Fine Arts (FINE)

FINE 101 The Living Arts-GTAH13 Credits

Interdisciplinary survey of human creative efforts as they relate to each other. Art, drama, and music are compared with similarities stressed.

Essential Learning Categories: Fine Arts

Colorado Guaranteed Transfer (GT) Pathways General Education Curriculum

Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.

FINE 395 Independent Study1-3 Credits

Course may be taken multiple times up to maximum of 6 credit hours.

FINE 396 Topics1-3 Credits

Course may be taken multiple times up to maximum of 15 credit hours.

FINE 495 Independent Study1-3 Credits

Course may be taken multiple times up to maximum of 6 credit hours.

FINE 496 Topics1-3 Credits

Course may be taken multiple times up to maximum of 15 credit hours.

FINE 499 Internship8 or 15 Credits

Part or full-time work in various aspects of arts management. Sites may include galleries, musical, theatrical or other performing organizations, arts centers, or other situations that meet the instructor's approval. Half-time equals eight semester hours credit; full-time equals 15 semester hours credit.

Prerequisites: Junior standing in visual or performing arts. May also require selected courses in business, social science, etc. as appropriate to the internship sought.

Course may be taken multiple times up to maximum of 15 credit hours.