Music/Academic (MUSA)

MUSA 101 Concert Attendance0 Credits

Exploration of repertoire, current trends in music, and career development through attendance at concerts and a weekly music forum.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.

Course may be taken 8 times for credit.

MUSA 111 Music Technology1 Credit

Introduction to music software programs that are widely accepted in the field of music.

Prerequisites: Music major or consent of instructor.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.

MUSA 113 Fundamentals of Theory3 Credits

Study of the fundamentals of music theory for music majors and music theater majors in preparation to begin the music theory sequence. Covers harmonic principles of music, including major and minor scales, intervals, triads, and chords.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall.

MUSA 114 Theory I-Introduction3 Credits

Harmonic principles of the "common-practice" period including scales, intervals, triads and 7th chords. Introduction to part writing and voice leading.

Prerequisites: Satisfactory score on theory placement examination.

Corequisites: MUSA 116.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.

MUSA 115 Theory II-Diatonic Concepts3 Credits

Continuation of MUSA 114, extending to all types of diatonic 7th chords, and their usages. Includes advanced rules of tonal harmonization.

Prerequisites: MUSA 114.

Corequisites: MUSA 117.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.

MUSA 116 Ear Training and Sightsinging I2 Credits

Development of skills of reading rhythms, sightsinging, and listening. Emphasis on beginning melodic, harmonic, and rhythmic dictation.

Corequisites: MUSA 114.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.

MUSA 117 Ear Training and Sightsinging II2 Credits

Further development of skills in sightsinging, rhythmic recognition, advanced listening abilities, including dictation of melodic and harmonic intervals, chord progressions, and two, three, and four-part chorales.

Prerequisites: MUSA 116.

Corequisites: MUSA 115.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.

MUSA 120 Class Piano for Non Majors I2 Credits

Introductory piano proficiency (rudimentary note reading, music vocabulary, technique, aural skills, theory, and creative application of musical skills). Open to all students (no prerequisites or corequisites), but recommended specifically for students who have little or no training in piano and are not music (or music theater) majors or minors.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall.

MUSA 121 Class Piano for Non Majors II2 Credits

Beginning piano proficiency (note reading, scales, triads, chord symbols, and creative application of musical skills). Open to all students (no prerequisites or corequisites), but recommended specifically for students who have little or no training in piano and are not music (or music theater) majors or minors.

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.

MUSA 122 Class Guitar2 Credits

Introduction to guitar for all students, including performance in various styles, reading notation, and technical skills.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall.

MUSA 129 Singer's Diction I: English and Italian1 Credit

Study of the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) and its use in the pronunciation of lyric diction for English and Italian.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall.

MUSA 130 Class Piano I2 Credits

Introduction of basic keyboard skills, including scales, chords, transposition, harmonization, choir warmups, improvisation, and sightreading. Recommended for music majors, music minors and music theatre majors needing piano proficiency skills required by their program of study. Students move at their own pace completing specified sequenced skills.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.

MUSA 131 Class Piano II2 Credits

Continuation of keyboard skills learned in MUSA 130, including experience with arpeggios, chord inversions, different accompaniment styles and ensemble experiences. Students move at their own pace completing specified sequence skills.

Prerequisites: MUSA 130.

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.

MUSA 137 Class Voice1 Credit

Fundamentals of singing, interpretation, phonetics, language (diction for singers), and solo repertoire for beginning voice students.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall.

MUSA 214 Theory III - Chromatic Concepts3 Credits

Full use of chromaticism through secondary dominants, altered chords, Neapolitan and augmented sixth chords, and modulation techniques. Continues into 20th Century including the use of advanced chromaticism. Includes advanced development of ear training and sightsinging.

Prerequisites: MUSA 115 and MUSA 117.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.

MUSA 215 Theory IV - Twentieth Century Form and Analysis3 Credits

Final components of Common Practice Period harmony, including augmented sixth and common-tone diminished seventh chords, then progressing into musical form. Study of 20th century techniques, including Impressionism, Expressionism, Neo-Classicism, Neo-Romanticism, Serialism and other atonal techniques. Jazz Theory will also be covered.

Prerequisites: MUSA 214.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.

MUSA 220 Music Appreciation-GTAH13 Credits

Overview of the basic elements of music and of Western music history. Emphasis on listening to a variety of music with intellect and emotion, and above all, purposeful attention. Examples come mainly from the Western “classical” tradition, jazz, and popular music.

Essential Learning Categories: Fine Arts

Colorado Guaranteed Transfer (GT) Pathways General Education Curriculum

Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.

MUSA 222 History of Country Music-GTAH13 Credits

Introduction to musical and cultural roots of country music. Topics include: engaging listening skills at a higher level, differentiating styles of country music, interpreting varied meanings of country music within different historical and cultural contexts, and explaining country music's role and identity as a genre within popular culture.

Essential Learning Categories: Fine Arts

Colorado Guaranteed Transfer (GT) Pathways General Education Curriculum

Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.

MUSA 229 Singer's Diction II: German and French1 Credit

Study of the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) and its use in the pronunciation of lyric diction for German and French.

Prerequisites: MUSA 129.

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.

MUSA 230 Class Piano III2 Credits

Continuation of concepts covered in MUSA 130 and MUSA 131, including minor scales, chords, transposition, playing from lead sheets, improvisation, basic jazz keyboarding skills, and sightreading.

Prerequisites: MUSA 130 and MUSA 131.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall.

MUSA 231 Class Piano IV2 Credits

Culmination of concepts covered in MUSA 130, MUSA 131, and MUSA 230. Emphasis on jazz keyboarding skills, reading from open vocal score or instrumental score with transposing parts, and creating and playing accompaniments for simple pieces.

Prerequisites: MUSA 230.

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.

MUSA 232 String Techniques and Materials2 Credits

Study of violin, viola, cello, and string bass with emphasis on fundamental playing techniques and pedagogical approaches for teaching in schools.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall.

MUSA 233 Woodwind Techniques and Materials2 Credits

Study of woodwind instruments with emphasis on fundamental playing techniques and pedagogical approaches for teaching in schools.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall.

MUSA 234 Brass Techniques and Materials2 Credits

Study of brass instruments with emphasis on fundamental playing techniques and pedagogical approaches for teaching in schools.

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.

MUSA 235 Percussion Techniques and Materials2 Credits

Study of percussion with emphasis on fundamental playing techniques and pedagogical approaches for teaching in schools.

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.

MUSA 240 Introduction to Music Education2 Credits

Survey of the history and pedagogical methods used in the profession. Includes in-class observations of effective music teachers to determine successful classroom management systems and methods of instruction. Students develop their personal philosophies of music education while exploring the career possibilities in music education.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall.

MUSA 250 Beginning Conducting2 Credits

Development of basic techniques necessary for musical leadership. Students are expected to master fundamental patterns, fermatas, dynamics, etc. Includes observation of professional conductors.

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.

MUSA 258 Introduction to Improvisation1 Credit

Exploration of theory, philosophy, and application of basic improvisational techniques for musicians. Improvisation on the basic elements of music such as rhythm, melody, harmony, and timbre.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall.

MUSA 262 Commercial Arranging1 Credit

Approaches to arranging music for commercial music styles, including lead sheets, pop chord symbols, lyrics, transposition, rhythm section parts, and chord voicings.

Prerequisites: MUSA 111 and MUSA 115.

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.

MUSA 266 History of Popular Music-GTAH13 Credits

Introduction to musical and cultural roots of popular music. Focus is to engage listening skills at a higher level, identify elements of popular music, evaluate the intent of lyrics, differentiate between styles of popular music, and examine the social impact popular music has on society, and vice versa.

Essential Learning Categories: Fine Arts

Colorado Guaranteed Transfer (GT) Pathways General Education Curriculum

Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.

MUSA 267 Jazz History and Literature-GTAH13 Credits

Survey of prominent artists, innovators, and stylistic trends in jazz from its origins to the contemporary.

Essential Learning Categories: Fine Arts

Colorado Guaranteed Transfer (GT) Pathways General Education Curriculum

MUSA 268 Beginning Jazz Improvisation1 Credit

Materials and techniques for improvisation, including chord and scale construction, modality, harmonic patterns, linear concepts, with emphasis on technique, style and idiomatic usage.

Prerequisites: MUSA 115.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall.

MUSA 296 Topics1-3 Credits

Course may be taken multiple times up to maximum of 15 credit hours.

MUSA 302 Keyboard Literature I3 Credits

Survey of keyboard literature from Elizabethan music through Mendelssohn.

Prerequisites: MUSA 231 or MUSL 230.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall.

MUSA 303 Symphonic Literature3 Credits

Survey of symphonic music from early instrumental to present-day compositions. Emphasis on composers' styles, orchestras, and conductors. Chamber orchestra music also included.

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.

MUSA 304 Keyboard Literature II3 Credits

Survey of keyboard literature from Chopin to the present day.

Prerequisites: MUSA 231 or MUSL 230.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.

MUSA 310 Accompanying Techniques2 Credits

Development of accompanying proficiency, including listening skills, form, and analysis of the music to be performed; rehearsing techniques; and accompanying repertoire for vocal, instrumental, and ensemble playing.

Prerequisites: MUSA 214.

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.

MUSA 311 Advanced Music Technology2 Credits

Application of advanced technological tools in music including recording, editing, production, and sound reinforcement.

Prerequisites: MUSA 111.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall.

MUSA 312 Electronic Music2 Credits

Techniques for the creation of electronic music in contemporary composition and live performance.

Prerequisites: MUSA 111.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall.

MUSA 317 Applied Orchestration and Arranging2 Credits

Choral and instrumental arranging; instrumentation, scoring, and analysis of harmonic styles of various composers. Arrangement of works for various combinations of instruments.

Prerequisites: MUSA 214.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall.

MUSA 318 Vocal Literature3 Credits

Study of the changing patterns, styles, and fashions of the secular art-song from medieval Europe to Europe and America of the day.

Prerequisites: MUSA 137 or previous enrollment in private vocal studies.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.

MUSA 319 Choral Literature3 Credits

Historical, analytical, and interpretive study of choral literature spanning the Renaissance through the 20th Century. Important course for those planning to direct choirs.

Prerequisites: Previous or concurrent enrollment in a Colorado Mesa University choir.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.

MUSA 326 Music History and Literature I3 Credits

Literature and styles of the master composers of music through the Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque periods.

Prerequisites: MUSA 214.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall.

MUSA 327 Music History and Literature II3 Credits

Literature and styles of the master composers of music through the classic, romantic, and modern ages.

Prerequisites: MUSA 214.

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.

MUSA 340 Teaching Elementary and General Music: Methods, Principles, and Materials3 Credits

For Music Education Majors: The course is designed for standards-based curriculum for elementary and general music classes. Weekly laboratory experiences focus on course content dealing with teaching competencies in elementary and general music. Also addresses how to teach literacy in the music classroom. Includes 30 hours of field experience.

Prerequisites: MUSA 240.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall.

MUSA 350A Advanced Conducting: Choral2 Credits

Development of advanced techniques, such as score study, interpretive conducting, gestural vocabulary, and ensemble rehearsal techniques.

Prerequisites: MUSA 250.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall.

MUSA 350B Advanced Conducting: Instrumental2 Credits

Development of advanced techniques, score study, interpretive conducting, gestural vocabulary, ensemble rehearsal techniques, and rehearsal observations.

Prerequisites: MUSA 250.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall.

MUSA 363 Music Industry and Marketing2 Credits

Exploration of business aspects of the music industry, with an emphasis on careers and music marketing.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall.

MUSA 365 Entrepreneurship for Creatives2 Credits

Preparation for aspiring creatives in a variety of disciplines to build a career through entrepreneurial activities including business model development, project management strategy development, budgeting, and promotion, leading to a startup endeavor in the creative sector.

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.

MUSA 367 Arts Management2 Credits

Introduction to the field of arts management, exploring principles of arts administration and trends and issues for non-profit social ventures as well as for-profit entities in a wide variety of arts disciplines.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall.

MUSA 368 Advanced Jazz Improvisation2 Credits

Expansion upon the fundamental concepts presented in Beginning Jazz Improvisation. Topics addressed include chromaticism, harmony and scales in minor keys, diminished seventh chords and scales, rhythm changes, tritone substitutions, modal jazz, and improvisational patterns as applied to a variety of jazz standards.

Prerequisites: MUSA 214 and MUSA 268.

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.

MUSA 395 Independent Study1-3 Credits

Course may be taken multiple times up to maximum of 6 credit hours.

MUSA 396 Topics1-3 Credits

Course may be taken multiple times up to maximum of 15 credit hours.

MUSA 410 Vocal Pedagogy3 Credits

Physiology of the human vocal mechanism, various teaching styles, vocal problems related to various age groups, and vocal repertoire pertinent to all age groups and levels of development.

Prerequisites: MUSA 137 or MUSL 137.

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.

MUSA 411 Piano Pedagogy3 Credits

Introduction to the field of piano teaching and pedagogical theories, with application to piano teaching. Survey of methods and literature. Instructional techniques for group and individual lesson settings.

Prerequisites: MUSA 231 or MUSL 230.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall.

MUSA 426 The Music of World Cultures2 Credits

Exploration of the methods and philosophies of ethnomusicology—the study of music making with perspectives from anthropology, sociology, history, linguistics, and cultural studies. The course includes study of music from a variety of worldwide cultures.

Prerequisites: MUSA 214.

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.

MUSA 440 Teaching Vocal Music K-12: Methods, Principles, and Materials3 Credits

Standards-based instruction of ensemble classes at the secondary level. Training in concepts, methodology, and materials necessary to teach standards-based vocal music in public/private schools.

Prerequisites: MUSA 137 or MUSL 137 or MUSP 156 or MUSP 157 or MUSP 158 or MUSP 159.

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.

MUSA 441 Teaching Instrumental Music K-12: Methods, Principles and Materials3 Credits

Standards-based music curriculum for teaching instrumental music in the public schools. Includes developing teaching competencies, administration of the music program, and methods, materials, equipment and technology needed for the instrumental music program.

Prerequisites: MUSA 240.

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.

MUSA 442A Teaching Special Ensembles: Choral2 Credits

Practical knowledge and methodology in the teaching of Show/Jazz Choirs and Marching/Jazz Bands. Students will learn the skills necessary to direct these ensembles. Includes 30 hours of field experience.

Prerequisites: MUSA 215, MUSA 240, and MUSA 250; and MUSA 350A or MUSA 350B (MUSA 350A or MUSA 350B may be taken concurrently).

Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.

MUSA 442B Teaching Special Ensembles: Instrumental2 Credits

Practical knowledge and methodology in the teaching of (A) Show/Jazz Choirs and (B) Marching/Jazz Bands. Students will learn the skills necessary to direct these ensembles. Includes 30 hours of field experience.

Prerequisites: MUSA 215, MUSA 240 and MUSA 250.

Corequisites: MUSA 350A or MUSA 350B if not completed.

MUSA 495 Independent Study1-3 Credits

Course may be taken multiple times up to maximum of 6 credit hours.

MUSA 496 Topics1-3 Credits

Course may be taken multiple times up to maximum of 15 credit hours.

MUSA 499 Internship1-4 Credits

Work experience obtained on a job in the music industry.

Prerequisites: Senior status, MUSA 363, and permission of instructor.

Course may be taken multiple times up to maximum of 15 credit hours.

MUSA 596 Topics:1-3 Credits

Course may be taken multiple times up to maximum of 15 credit hours.