Process Technology (PROS)

PROS 100 Introduction to Process Technology 3 Credits

Provides an overview or introduction into the field of Process Operations within the process industry. The course will introduce the roles and responsibilities of process technicians, the environment in which they work, and the equipment and systems in which they operate.

PROS 120 Process Technology I: Equipment 4 Credits

Provides an overview or introduction into the field of equipment within the process industry. This course will introduce many process industry-related equipment concepts including purpose, components, operation, and the Process Technician's role for operating and troubleshooting the equipment.

PROS 195 Independent Study 1-4 Credits

Course may be taken multiple times up to maximum of 6 credit hours.

PROS 196 Topics: 1-3 Credits

Course may be taken multiple times up to maximum of 15 credit hours.

PROS 220 Process Technology III: Operations 4 Credits

Provides an introduction to the field of operations within the process industry. Students will use existing knowledge of equipment, systems, and instrumentation to understand the operation of an entire unit. Students study concepts related to commissioning, normal startup, normal operations, normal shutdown, turnarounds, and abnormal situations, as well as the Process Technician's role in performing the tasks associated with these concepts within an operating unit.

PROS 230 Quality in Process Technology 3 Credits

Provides an introduction to the field of Quality within the Process Industry. This course will introduce many process industry-related quality concepts including operating consistency, continuous improvement, plant economics, team skills and statistical process control (SPC).

PROS 290 Certification: 1 Credit

Capstone certification preparation specifically addressing each emphasis and associated certifications. Addresses Certified Electronics Technician (CET) program and other certifications.

PROS 292 Capstone 4 Credits

Knowledge to articulate the tactical planning functions performed within field projects. Access and apply the various tactical planning tools and data elements to supporting documentation including troubleshooting. Economic principles in costing, value, capital investment, profitability and inventory.