Animation (Minor)

Minor: Animation
Program Code: M204

About This Minor. . .

The Animation Minor will acquaint students with core elements related to the study and profession of animation production. This minor is a cross-discipline collaboration and includes one course with the Theatre Arts Department. The minor has been designed to provide an additional skill set that may be useful for obtaining employment, and enhancing professional opportunities, in the areas of arts, design, entertainment, film, animation, TV, video editing, graphic design, game design, computer science, marketing and/or advertising.


Each section below contains details about the requirements for this program. Select a header to expand the information/requirements for that particular section of the program's requirements. 

To print or save an overview of this program's information, including the program description, learning outcomes, requirements, suggested course sequencing (if applicable), and advising and graduation information, scroll to the bottom of the left-hand navigation menu and select "Print Options." This will give you the options to either "Send Page to Printer" or "Download PDF of This Page." The "Download PDF of This Page" option prepares a much more concise presentation of all program information. The PDF is also printable and may be preferable due to its brevity. 

 Institutional Degree Requirements

The following institutional requirements apply to all CMU minors. Specific programs may have different requirements that must be met in addition to institutional requirements.

  • A minor consists of 15-24 semester hours. There may be prerequisites required for the minor which will increase the total number of credit hours for a student who has not already taken those prerequisites.
  • Courses taken to satisfy Essential Learning, major requirements, or electives can be counted toward the minor if applicable.
  • At least 33 percent of the credit hours required for the minor must be in courses numbered 300 or above.
  • At least 25 percent of the classes must be taken at CMU.
  • 2.00 cumulative GPA or higher for the courses used for the minor.
  • A minor is not a degree by itself and must be earned at the same time as a baccalaureate degree.
  • A minor must be outside the major field of study.
  • A student may earn up to five minors with any baccalaureate degree at CMU.
  • The Catalog Year determines which program sheet and degree requirements a student must fulfill in order to graduate. Visit with your advisor or academic department to determine which catalog year and program requirements sheet you should follow.
  • See “Requirements for Undergraduate Degrees and Certificates” in the catalog for a complete list of graduation requirements.

Program Specific Requirements

(21 Semester Hours)

ARTA 224Principles of Film 13
or ARTA 222 Principles of Digital Photography
ARTA 225Principles of Animation3
ARTA 323Character Design and Story Concepts 13
ARTA 324Animation Production 13
ARTA 327Sound Design and Post-Production 13
ARTH 331History of the Moving Image 13
THEA 150Fundamentals of Acting3
Total Semester Credit Hours21

This course has a prerequisite that must be taken prior to this course, which could increase the total credits for the minor to 42 credit hours. 

Advising Process and DegreeWorks

Documentation on the pages related to this program is intended for informational purposes to help determine what courses and associated requirements are needed to earn a minor. Meeting with an academic advisor is essential in planning courses and developing a suggested course sequencing. It is ultimately the student’s responsibility to understand and fulfill the requirements for their intended minor.

DegreeWorks is an online degree audit tool available in MAVzone. It is the official record used by the Registrar’s Office to evaluate progress towards a minor. Students are responsible for reviewing their DegreeWorks audit on a regular basis and should discuss questions or concerns with their advisor or academic department head for the minor. Discrepancies in requirements should be reported to the Registrar’s Office.

Graduation Process

A minor cannot be awarded by itself.  It must be combined with a baccalaureate degree outside the major field of study. Students should follow the graduation process outlined for the baccalaureate degree and list their majors and minors on the “Intent to Graduate” form.

If a student’s petition for graduation is denied, it will be their responsibility to consult the Registrar’s Office regarding next steps.