Aviation Technology (AVTN)

AVTN 101 Private Pilot Ground School 4 Credits

Preparation for Private Pilot Airplane, Single Engine, Land-FAA Knowledge Exam.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall.

Fees: Yes.

AVTN 102 Private Pilot Flight 4 Credits

Preparation in flight training for the Private Pilot Airplane, Single-Engine, Land FAA Practical Test and completing requirements for the Private Pilot Certificate.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.

Fees: Yes.

AVTN 105 Aviation Meteorology 4 Credits

Recognition, interpretation, and evaluation of atmospheric weather as it relates to and affects aviation.

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.

AVTN 111 Instrument Pilot Ground School 4 Credits

Preparation for the FAA Instrument Rating Knowledge Exam.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.

Fees: Yes.

AVTN 112 Instrument Pilot Flight 4 Credits

Preparation in flight training for the Instrument Rating, Single Engine Airplane FAA Practical Test and completing requirements for the Instrument Rating.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.

Fees: Yes.

AVTN 140 Aircraft Systems 4 Credits

Introduction to the basic mechanical systems and structural components of aircraft to supplement instruction received in flight training.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.

AVTN 196 Topics: 1-3 Credits

Course may be taken multiple times up to maximum of 15 credit hours.

AVTN 201 Commercial Pilot Ground School 2 Credits

Preparation for the Commercial Pilot Airplane, Single Engine, Land FAA Knowledge Exam.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.

Fees: Yes.

AVTN 202 Commercial Pilot Flight I 4 Credits

The first of a two-part sequence of flight training in preparation for the Commercial Pilot Certificate, Airplane, Single Engine Land FAA Practical Test. Consists of the cross country aeronautical experience required for the Commercial Certificate.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.

Fees: Yes.

AVTN 203 Commercial Pilot Flight II 3 Credits

Preparation in flight training for the Commercial Pilot, Airplane Single Engine, Land FAA Practical Test, completing requirements for the Commercial Pilot Certificate.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.

Fees: Yes.

AVTN 205 Mountain Flying Ground School 1 Credit

Preparation of the unique aspects of flying in mountainous terrain and the additional knowledge and proficiency necessary for safe and efficient operation in mountain and high altitude terrain.

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.

AVTN 206 Crew Resource Management 1 Credit

Comprehensive classroom instruction coupled with Line Oriented Flight Training (LOFT) in a Flight Training Device. Covers the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to enhance safety and operate effectively as a member of an airplane/helicopter crew.

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.

AVTN 207 Multi-Engine Ground School 1 Credit

Preparation for the FAA Practical Test for Commercial Pilot, Airplane Multi-Engine Land.

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.

Fees: Yes.

AVTN 208 Multi-Engine Flight 1 Credit

Preparation in flight training for the Airplane, Multi-Engine Rating and completing requirements for this rating.

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.

Fees: Yes.

AVTN 211 Fundamentals of Instruction 2 Credits

Preparation for the FAA Fundamentals of Instructing Knowledge Exam.

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.

AVTN 212 Flight Instructor Ground School 2 Credits

Preparation for the FAA Flight Instructor Airplane Knowledge Exam.

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.

Fees: Yes.

AVTN 213 Flight Instructor Flight 1 Credit

Preparation of mastery in: fundamentals of instructing, technical subject areas, preflight preparation and lesson, grand and airport operations, take offs and climbs, fundamentals of flight, stalls, spins, maneuvering during slow flight, basic instrument maneuvers, performance maneuvers, ground reference maneuvers, emergency operations, approaches, landings, and after landing procedures, by passing the FAA Practical Test for Flight Instructor Airplane, Single-Engine Land.

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.

Fees: Yes.

AVTN 218 ATC Procedures 4 Credits

Preparation of Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) operations in the Air Traffic Control (ATC) System, including: general procedures, terminal and IFR procedures, radar and non-radar environments, enroute procedures, and special and emergency procedures.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall.

AVTN 245 Aviation Safety 2 Credits

Knowledge and aeronautical decision making for the professional aviation environment. FAA regulations and standards will be taught in order for students to make sound judgments and decisions in the field of aviation. National Transportation Safety Board accident reports will be thoroughly reviewed as they are published to determine causal factors.

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.

AVTN 247 Aviation Physiology 2 Credits

Human body responses in the aviation environment, including: hypoxia, fatigue, use of alcohol/medication, stress, rapid decompression, and illness. The effects of these factors on airmen's decision making, crew resource management, and the in-flight environment will be taught. Students will learn the resources available to aviators and their passengers.

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.

AVTN 296 Topics: 1-3 Credits

Course may be taken multiple times up to maximum of 15 credit hours.