Early Childhood Teaching - Special Ed (ECSE)

ECSE 320 Learner Development and Individual Differences 3 Credits

Exploration of child development and individual differences to respond to the unique and individualized needs of young children with exceptionalities.

Prerequisites: Admission to the Teacher Education Program.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall.

ECSE 410 Building Family and Community Partnerships 1 Credit

Introduction to the concept of family systems, the impact of children with diverse needs upon the family system, and the role of the educator in partnering with families and the community.

Prerequisites: Admission into the Teacher Education program.

ECSE 430 Instructional Strategies for Inclusion and Intervention, Birth-8 Years 3 Credits

Exploration of evidence-based instructional strategies, focused on communication and sensory processing, to advance learning of young children with exceptionalities.

Prerequisites: EDUC 340, EDUC 374, and ECSE 320.

ECSE 435 Assessment and Evaluation of the Young Child, Birth-8 Years 3 Credits

Exploration and application of technically sound formal and informal assessments that minimize bias, and measurement principles and practices to evaluate and guide educational decisions through collaboration with colleagues and families.

Prerequisites: EDUC 340 and ECSE 320.

ECSE 450 Individual Behavior Support and Guidance with Young Learners 3 Credits

Exploration of behavioral theories and their application to individual and classroom management of young learners with an emphasis on the principles of applied behavior analysis.

Prerequisites: EDUC 340, EDUC 374, and ECSE 320 .

ECSE 493 Senior Capstone 3 Credits

Teaching experience in an inclusive classroom, with opportunities to apply standards-based education, theories, and philosophies acquired in professional education coursework. Provides support in teaching and learning of early childhood students, ages birth - prekindergarten.

Prerequisites: EDEC 256, EDUC 301, EDUC 311, ECSE 320, EDUC 340, and EDUC 343.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.

Course may be taken 2 times for credit.

ECSE 499 Teaching Internship and Colloquia: Early Childhood Ages 3 - 5/Pre-K 6 Credits

Participation in full-time supervised teaching experience for eight weeks in an inclusive classroom designed to allow the intern the opportunity to apply standards-based education, theories, and philosophies acquired in professional education coursework. Provides support in teaching and learning of Pre-K students, ages 3 - 5.

Prerequisites: All program and degree requirements and courses must be successfully completed.