Educational Leadership (EDLD)

EDLD 506 Leadership and Organizational Change 3 Credits

Knowledge and skills for creating effective schools. Strategies for linking policy and law to instructional change. Social and political assumptions underlying current efforts towards curriculum and instructional reform in elementary and secondary schools. Study of planning and evaluation in schools and school districts including strategic planning, effectiveness and curriculum audits, facility planning, and program planning and evaluation.

Prerequisites: Current teaching certificate; Acceptance into EDLD Master's or certificate program or the EDTL Master's program.

Terms Typically Offered: Summer.

EDLD 515 Dynamic School Leadership in a Democratic Society: Introduction to School Administration 3 Credits

Study of educational leadership, administration, and management with reference to current practice at the school level. Attention to administrative theory and practice, philosophy, and organizational development. Through examination of leadership and organizational models, students analyze their district using political, structural, and cultural frames. Leadership in democratic society is explored, specifically related to a pluralistic society and a culturally responsive education.

Prerequisites: Current teaching certificate; Acceptance into EDLD Master's or certificate program or EDTL Master's program.

Terms Typically Offered: Summer.

EDLD 520A Principalship I 2 Credits

This introductory course will engage students in developing a comprehensive understanding of the role of the principal as instructional leader and change agent in today's PK-12 schools. Students will be introduced to the skill set needed to be an effective instructional leader and the knowledge base outlined in the Colorado Standards for the licensure of school principals. The historical role of the school principal will be compared and contrasted with the current demands of the modern school principal.

Prerequisites: Current teaching certificate, acceptance into EDLD program.

EDLD 520B Principalship II 2 Credits

This introductory course will engage students in developing a comprehensive understanding of the role of the principal as instructional leader and change agent in today's PK-12 schools. Students will be introduced to the skill set need to be an effective instructional leader and the knowledge base outlined in the Colorado Standards for the licensure of school principals. The historical role of the school principal will be compared and contrasted with the current demands of the modern school principal.

Prerequisites: EDLD 520A, current teaching certificate, and acceptance into EDLD program.

EDLD 532 School Finance and Legal Aspects of School Administration 3 Credits

Study of the relationship between politics, policy and governance of schools, including political systems, inter-governmental relations, power and conflict, and policy development regarding equity, quality and efficiency. While statutory and case law serve as reference points for discussion, the primary objective is to examine the relationship between the legal issues of education and the implications for administrative leadership.

Prerequisites: Current teaching certificate, acceptance into EDLD program.

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.

EDLD 535 Internship in Educational Leadership I 1 Credit

Gain knowledge and experience in varied aspects of school administration. Engagement in activities designed to develop and demonstrate leadership competencies essential for solving school problems, improving curriculum and instructional practices, and increasing student achievement. Leadership competencies align to state and national standards.

Prerequisites: EDLD 520A, current teaching certificate, and acceptance into graduate program.

EDLD 540 School Improvement and Accountability 3 Credits

Construction, administration and interpretation of educational assessments for the systematic analysis of student learning and teaching practice. Emphasis on the use and understanding of data analysis to improve teaching and learning in the classroom. Statistical analysis relating to education leadership decision-making applications. Analysis of school culture in high performing schools and problem-solving protocols related to school culture improvement.

Prerequisites: Current teaching certificate; Acceptance into the EDLD Master's or certificate program or the EDTL Master's program.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall.

EDLD 542 Instructional Supervision and Management/HR 3 Credits

Study of effective human resources management, including recruitment, selection, induction, staff development, employee assistance, evaluation, contract negotiation and personnel management. The skills of conflict resolution and collaboration will be explored as well as ways to assess the learning organization needs.

Prerequisites: Current teaching certificate, acceptance into M.A. program, GRE.

EDLD 545 Internship in Educational Leadership II 1 Credit

Gain knowledge and experience in varied aspects of school administration. Engagement in activities designed to develop and demonstrate leadership competencies essential for solving school problems, improving curriculum and instructional practices, and increasing student achievement. Leadership competencies align to state and national standards.

Prerequisites: EDLD 520A, current teaching certificate, and acceptance into graduate program.

EDLD 595 Independent Study 1-3 Credits

Course may be taken multiple times up to maximum of 6 credit hours.