Education - Special Ed (EDSE)

EDSE 496 Topics: 1-3 Credits

Course may be taken multiple times up to maximum of 15 credit hours.

EDSE 500 Foundation of Special Education Including Law 3 Credits

Knowledge and skills needed in special education. An evolving discipline based on philosophies, evidence-based principles and theories, relevant laws and policies, diverse and historical viewpoints, and societal influences on the education and treatment of individuals with exceptional needs.

EDSE 501 Instructional Strategies in Special Education 3 Credits

Overview of methodologies used in the instruction of students with special learning needs. Explores the purpose of an Individualized Education Program and its use as a guide in the development of a learning plan based on the student's learning characteristics including strengths, needs, and the impact of disability on his/her learning in the general education classroom.

EDSE 502 Behavioral Interventions for the Learner with Special Needs 3 Credits

Focuses on research-based assessment and intervention strategies for working with students who present challenging behavior in the classroom.

EDSE 503 Methods of Teaching Students with Mild Disabilities Reading and Math 3 Credits

Provides an understanding of the nature of reading and arithmetic and of challenges faced by children and adolescents with a wide array of exceptionalities. Major approaches to teaching and learning in reading and math. Development of diagnostic-prescriptive approaches.

EDSE 506 Educating Students with Low Incidence Disabilities in Inclusive Environments 3 Credits

Examines types of low-incidence disabilities, including mental retardation, autism, physical disabilities, traumatic brain injury, deafness, blindness, multiple disabilities, and other health impairments, that affect academic and job performance. Current methods for teaching individuals with low-incidence disabilities.

EDSE 510 The Learner Who is Twice Exceptional, Including Gifted and Talented 3 Credits

Provides tools to identify twice exceptional students and selection appropriate strategies so that gifted students with disabilities can learn at appropriate levels.

EDSE 515 Internship K-6 Elementary Practicum in Special Education 3 Credits

Provides support in teaching and learning of elementary students. Integrated field supervision to achieve professional competencies.

EDSE 520 Internship 6-12 Secondary Practicum in Special Education 3 Credits

Provides support in teaching and learning of secondary students. Integrated field supervision to achieve professional competencies.

EDSE 596 Topics: 1-3 Credits

Course may be taken multiple times up to maximum of 15 credit hours.