Education - Career/Tech (EDUT)
EDUT 250 Career and Technical Education in Colorado 1 Credit
Explores common elements of Career and Technical Education philosophy and current practices. It details the philosophy of Career and Technical Education (CTE), the federal Carl D. Perkins legislation and related guidelines for CTE, the Colorado Technical Act, national and state regulatory agencies, the CCCS program approval process, enrollment management and advising strategies, relevant local and national issues, and quality assurance principles.
EDUT 251 Secondary CTE Capstone 3 Credits
This capstone course in the secondary CTE credentialing sequence offers an in-depth analysis of secondary career and technical student organizations and competitions, the Colorado Technical Act, working with exceptional students, creating and effectively deploying program advisory committees, and an overview of educational and political systems in Colorado. The final project is an analysis of the efficiency with which one's employing school district funds, operates and assesses CTE programs.
EDUT 260 Adult Learning and Teaching 3 Credits
Examines the philosophy of community colleges and/or secondary schools and the roles and responsibilities of the faculty member within the college/school community. Introduces basic instructional theories and applications, with particular emphasis on adult learners. Includes syllabus development, learning goals and outcomes, and lesson plans. Emphasizes teaching to a diverse student body, classroom management, assessment and instructional technology.
EDUT 288 Practicum II 1 Credit
Provides students with the opportunity to supplement coursework with practical work experience related to their educational program. Students work under the immediate supervision of experienced personnel at the education facility and with the direct guidance of the instructor.
EDUT 289 Capstone 1 Credit
Focuses on a demonstrated culmination of learning within a given program of study.