Emergency Medical Tech (EMTS)

EMTS 101 Emergency Medical Technician - Basic I 3 Credits

Policies, rules and regulations of emergency medical services. Basic anatomy and physiology. Initial and focused assessment of patient in the field.

Corequisites: EMTS 102 and EMTS 103.

Fees: Yes.

EMTS 102 Emergency Medical Technician - Basic II 3 Credits

Management of respiratory, cardiac, CNS, endocrine, behavioral, drug, alcohol, allergy and anaphylaxis emergencies. Airway management, CPR, AED and basic pharmacology.

Corequisites: EMTS 101 and EMTS 103.

Fees: Yes.

EMTS 103 Emergency Medical Technician - Basic III 4 Credits

Management of MOI, head, spinal, abdominal, chest and extremity trauma. Basic management of pediatric, gynecologic, and geriatric emergencies. EMT safety, environmental emergencies, hazmat, triage, and incident command. Preparation for national registry written and practical examination.

Corequisites: EMTS 101 and EMTS 102.

Fees: Yes.

EMTS 115 Emergency Medical Responder 3 Credits

This course covers the knowledge and skills to provide emergency care for most medical emergencies. Emergency Medical Responders provide immediate care as part of the EMS system while awaiting additional EMS response and transportation. This course meets the requirements to become nationally certified as an NREMR - National Registered Emergency Medical Responder.

Fees: Yes.

EMTS 121 EMT Fundamentals 3 Credits

Introduction to fundamental skills of the Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) student. Topics include: EMS systems, well-being of the EMT, communication, and patient assessment.

Corequisites: EMTS 122, EMTS 123, EMTS 124, and EMTS 170.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.

EMTS 122 EMT Medical Emergencies 4 Credits

Knowledge and skills to effectively provide emergency care and transportation to a patient experiencing a medical emergency. Focus on the integration of the physical exam, medical history, and pathophysiology when assessing and treating the medical patient.

Corequisites: EMTS 121, EMTS 123, EMTS 124, and EMTS 170.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.

EMTS 123 EMT Trauma Emergencies 2 Credits

Knowledge and skills to provide appropriate emergency care and transportation of a patient who has suffered a traumatic injury. The concepts of kinematics and the biomechanics of trauma, along with pathophysiology and injury patterns, will provide the student with the ability to assess and manage the trauma patient.

Corequisites: EMTS 121, EMTS 122, EMTS 124, and EMTS 170.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.

EMTS 124 EMT Special Considerations 2 Credits

Knowledge and skills required to modify the assessment, treatment, and transportation of special patient populations and patients in special circumstances. This course also provides an overview of incident command, mass casualty incidents, vehicle extrication, air medical support, hazardous materials, and terrorism.

Corequisites: EMTS 121, EMTS 122, EMTS 123, and EMTS 170.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.

EMTS 130 Emergency Medical Technician - Basic IV Therapy 2 Credits

Focuses on cognitive and skill practice as required by Colorado Prehospital Care program for EMT-Basic level IV approval. Examines criteria, procedures and techniques for IV therapy, discusses fluid and electrolyte balance and principles and treatment for shock.

Fees: Yes.

EMTS 170 EMT Clinical 1 Credit

Clinical experience required for initial certification and some renewal processes.

Corequisites: EMTS 121, EMTS 122, EMTS 123, and EMTS 124.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.

EMTS 190 Emergency Medical Technician - Basic EKG Interpretation 2 Credits

Interpretation of EKG strips, anatomy and physiology of the heart, using three-lead monitoring as a guide. Introduction to twelve-lead EKG.

EMTS 196 Topics: 1-3 Credits

Course may be taken multiple times up to maximum of 15 credit hours.

EMTS 225 Fundamentals of Paramedic Practice 3 Credits

First course of the National Standard Paramedic Curriculum as approved by the Colorado State Department of Health and Environment.

Corequisites: EMTS 225L.

EMTS 225L Fundamentals of Paramedic Practice Laboratory 2 Credits

Hands-on application of patient assessment, IV therapy and EKG interpretation. Practical application and mastery of anatomy and physiology principles within a pre-hospital setting will be developed.

Prerequisites: Permission of instructor.

Corequisites: EMTS 225.

Fees: Yes.

EMTS 227 Paramedic Special Considerations 3 Credits

Focuses on a comprehensive study of Advanced Life Support Practice.

Prerequisites: EMTS 225/EMTS 225L and Permission of instructor.

Corequisites: EMTS 227L.

EMTS 227L Paramedic Special Considerations Laboratory 2 Credits

Hands-on application of skills in pediatric assessment, delivery and management of the newborn, the mother, and geriatric patients. Management of live scenarios simulating patients with special considerations and needs will enhance the development of practical patient care skills and improve patient outcomes. Certification in PEPP and PALS will be completed.

Prerequisites: EMTS 225/EMTS 225L and Permission of instructor.

Corequisites: EMTS 227.

Fees: Yes.

EMTS 229 Paramedic Pharmacology 3 Credits

Focuses on a comprehensive study of emergency pharmacology and medications used to treat common illnesses.

Prerequisites: EMTS 225/EMTS 225L and Permission of instructor.

Corequisites: EMTS 229L.

EMTS 229L Paramedic Pharmacology Laboratory 2 Credits

Hands-on administration of medications with an advanced level of understanding of their effects to the human body. The principles of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics are investigated.

Prerequisites: EMTS 225/EMTS 225L and Permission of instructor.

Corequisites: EMTS 229.

Fees: Yes.

EMTS 231 Paramedic Cardiology 5 Credits

Cardiology topics as presented in the National Standard Curriculum for paramedics.

Prerequisites: EMTS 225/EMTS 225L and Permission of instructor.

Corequisites: EMTS 231L.

EMTS 231L Paramedic Cardiology Laboratory 1 Credit

Hands-on application of principles of cardiac care for the pre-hospital and in-hospital environment. Students will earn their ACLS certification.

Prerequisites: EMTS 225/EMTS 225L and Permission of instructor.

Corequisites: EMTS 231.

Fees: Yes.

EMTS 233 Paramedic Medical Emergencies 4 Credits

A comprehensive study of adult medical emergencies.

Prerequisites: EMTS 225/EMTS 225L and Permission of instructor.

Corequisites: EMTS 233L.

EMTS 233L Paramedic Medical Emergencies Laboratory 1 Credit

Hands-on application of the principles of endocrine emergencies, BG analysis, respiratory emergencies, and other medical emergencies for the pre-hospital and in-hospital environment. Students will receive AMLS certification.

Prerequisites: EMTS 225/EMTS 225L and Permission of instructor.

Corequisites: EMTS 233.

Fees: Yes.

EMTS 235 Paramedic Trauma Emergencies 4 Credits

A comprehensive study of adult and pediatric trauma emergencies.

Prerequisites: EMTS 225/EMTS 225L and Permission of instructor.

Corequisites: EMTS 235L.

EMTS 235L Paramedic Trauma Emergencies Laboratory 1 Credit

Hands-on application of the principles to manage and assess the trauma patient in pre-hospital emergencies. Approaches on how to handle the patient with blast injuries and disaster management of multiple patients will be developed. Specific scenarios with various acute trauma emergencies will be developed to assist the student with patient assessment skills.

Prerequisites: EMTS 225/EMTS 225L and Permission of instructor.

Corequisites: EMTS 235.

Fees: Yes.

EMTS 237 Paramedic Internship Preparation 2 Credits

Reviews concepts and techniques used in the prehospital setting.

Prerequisites: EMTS 225/EMTS 225L, EMTS 227/EMTS 227L, EMTS 229/EMTS 229L, EMTS 231/EMTS 231L, EMTS 233/EMTS 233L, and EMTS 235/EMTS 235L.

EMTS 280 Paramedic Internship I 6 Credits

The preceptor/internship program for paramedic students.

Prerequisites: EMTS 237.

Fees: Yes.

EMTS 281 Paramedic Internship II 6 Credits

Continuation of EMTS 280, preceptor program for paramedic students.

Prerequisites: EMTS 280.

Fees: Yes.