Finance (FINA)
FINA 300 Personal Finance 1 Credit
Development of financial and economic literacy to improve personal decision making in the areas of: personal budgeting; developing a personal financial plan including consumer credit, taxes and purchasing a car and/or home; money and interest rates; investing and retirement.
Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
FINA 301 Managerial Finance 3 Credits
Acquisition, allocation, and management of funds within the business enterprise. Financial goals, funds flow, valuation, capital budgeting, and financing strategies.
Prerequisites: ACCT 201, and CISB 241 or STAT 241.
FINA 310 Risk Management 3 Credits
Identification of risk, risk analysis, risk evaluation and methods of resolving risk issues in a business environment. Insurance as a risk management tool discussed.
Prerequisites: Permission of instructor.
FINA 320 Fundamentals of Investments 3 Credits
Introduction to the theory and practices of investment valuation and management. Topics include: risk and return, investor objectives and strategies, the types and characteristics of investment instruments, the process of buying and selling securities, investment valuation and yields, and portfolio management.
Prerequisites: FINA 301.
Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
FINA 395 Independent Study 1-3 Credits
Course may be taken multiple times up to maximum of 6 credit hours.
FINA 396 Topics 1-3 Credits
Course may be taken multiple times up to maximum of 15 credit hours.
FINA 412 Life and Health Insurance Licensure and Financial Planning 3 Credits
Analysis of personal and business life and health insurance policies. Focus includes coverage need determination, underwriting, marketing, financial, ratemaking, reserving and other insurance considerations.
Prerequisites: Permission of instructor.
FINA 415 Property and Liability Insurance Licensure 3 Credits
Analysis of personal and business property and liability insurance policies. Focus includes coverage need determination, underwriting, marketing, financial, ratemaking, reserving, and other insurance considerations.
Prerequisites: Permission of instructor.
FINA 420 Security Analysis and Portfolio Management 3 Credits
Extension of the theory and practices of investment valuation and management. Topics include risk and return, market efficiency, economic and industry analysis, fundamental and technical analysis, bond analysis and management strategies, portfolio management and performance evaluation, and the characteristics and uses of options, rights, warrants, convertibles, and futures.
Prerequisites: FINA 301 and FINA 320.
FINA 425 Portfolio Management 2 Credits
Extension of the theory and practices of investment valuation and management. Topics include asset allocation and security analysis; risk and return; market efficiency; economic and industry analysis; fundamental and technical analysis; equity and bond analysis management strategies; and portfolio performance evaluation.
Prerequisites: FINA 301 and FINA 320.
Terms Typically Offered: Fall.
FINA 426 Advanced Portfolio Management 2 Credits
In-depth security analysis of investment portfolio valuation and management of investment types (stocks and bonds). Topics include investor policy statements; risk and return; market forces analysis; fundamental and technical analysis; equity and bond portfolio management strategies; portfolio performance evaluation and reports; and the concept and uses of derivatives (options and futures).
Prerequisites: FINA 301, FINA 320, and FINA 425.
Terms Typically Offered: Spring.
FINA 431 International Financial Management 3 Credits
Theory and practices of financial management in an international product and capital marketplace. Topics include: the international flow of funds, exchange rate determinants and risk hedging, international arbitrage and interest rate parity, purchasing power parity and the international Fisher effect, instruments of international trade financing, multinational capital budgeting, multinational costs of capital, and multinational capital structure.
Prerequisites: FINA 301.
Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
FINA 451 Financial Management: Theory and Applications 3 Credits
Extension of the theory and practices of financial management using a case analysis approach. Topics include: financial statement analysis, financial planning and forecasting, risk and return, capital budgeting, lease financing, cost of capital, capital structure, dividend policy, and risk management.
Prerequisites: FINA 301 and senior standing.
Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
FINA 495 Independent Study 1-3 Credits
Course may be taken multiple times up to maximum of 6 credit hours.
FINA 496 Topics 1-3 Credits
Course may be taken multiple times up to maximum of 15 credit hours.
FINA 500 Financial Strategy 3 Credits
Introduction and development of analysis of the financial aspects of a corporation using both theory and application. Topics include capital markets, global economic factors that affect the corporation, capital asset pricing model, portfolio analysis, and capital structure policy.