Foreign Language-Greek (FLGK)

FLGK 111 Introductory Greek I 3 Credits

An introduction to the fundamentals of reading ancient Greek. Emphasizes basic vocabulary and grammar. Explores aspects of Greek literature and culture. Provides a foundation for the study of ancient Greece. Develops a practical understanding of English.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall.

FLGK 112 Introductory Greek II 3 Credits

Continuation of the fundamentals of reading ancient Greek. Emphasizes basic vocabulary and grammar. Explores basic vocabulary and grammar. Explores aspects of Greek literature and culture. Provides a foundation for the study of ancient Greece. Develops a practical understanding of English.

Prerequisites: FLGK 111.

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.

FLGK 395 Independent Study 1-3 Credits

Course may be taken multiple times up to maximum of 6 credit hours.