Geographic Information Systems Technology (GIST)

GIST 305 Cartography for GIS 1 Credit

Introduction to maps as tools for communication and analysis of locationally-related information.

GIST 321 Introduction to Remote Sensing 2 Credits

Fundamentals of remotely sensed data, with emphasis on processing and interpretation of Landsat satellite imagery. Two one-hour lectures and one two-hour laboratory per week.

Prerequisites: GIST 332/GIST 332L.

Corequisites: GIST 321L.

GIST 321L Introduction to Remote Sensing Laboratory 1 Credit

Lab component required for GIST 321.

Prerequisites: GIST 332/GIST 332L.

Corequisites: GIST 321.

Fees: Yes.

GIST 332 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems 2 Credits

Fundamentals of GIS and digital mapping, including basic GIS skills and an introduction to geospatial databases and analyses. Two one-hour lectures and one two-hour laboratory per week.

Prerequisites: GIST 305 or GEOG 131.

Corequisites: GIST 332L.

GIST 332L Introduction to Geographic Information Systems Laboratory 1 Credit

Lab component required for GIST 332.

Prerequisites: GIST 305 or GEOG 131.

Corequisites: GIST 332.

Fees: Yes.

GIST 375 Global Positioning Systems for GIS 2 Credits

GPS techniques and applications as they relate to GIS data collection.

Prerequisites: GIST 332/GIST 332L.

Corequisites: GIST 375L.

GIST 375L Global Positioning Systems for GIS Laboratory 1 Credit

Lab component required for GIST 375.

Prerequisites: GIST 332/GIST 332L.

Corequisites: GIST 375.

Fees: Yes.

GIST 396 Topics 1-3 Credits

Course may be taken multiple times up to maximum of 15 credit hours.

GIST 396L Topics Lab: 1-2 Credits

Course may be taken 10 times for credit.

GIST 422 GIS Data Management and Editing 2 Credits

Further exploration of GIS, involving creating, editing, and managing geospatial data and working with different types of GIS software. Two one-hour lectures and one two-hour laboratory per week.

Prerequisites: GIST 332/GIST 332L.

Corequisites: GIST 422L.

GIST 422L GIS Data Management and Editing Laboratory 1 Credit

Lab component required for GIST 422.

Prerequisites: GIST 332/GIST 332L.

Corequisites: GIST 422.

GIST 432 Spatial Analysis and Modeling in GIS 2 Credits

Exploration of GIS techniques and analysis with emphasis on raster-based GIS technology, processing, and geospatial analysis. Two one-hour lectures and one two-hour laboratory per week.

Prerequisites: GIST 332/GIST 332L.

Corequisites: GIST 432L.

GIST 432L Spatial Analysis and Modeling in GIS Laboratory 1 Credit

Lab component required for GIST 432.

Prerequisites: GIST 332/GIST 332L.

Corequisites: GIST 432.