Hospitality Management (HMGT)

HMGT 101 Travel Industry I 3 Credits

Introduction to tourism and its relationship to the business world. Includes an overview of all sectors of business and the components of the travel, tourism, and hospitality industry. Travel methods, destination resorts, and other businesses which serve the traveler are evaluated. A requirement for all Hospitality Management students.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall.

HMGT 102 Travel Industry II 3 Credits

Evaluation of job opportunities in the travel, recreation, and hospitality fields. Travel trends, feasibility studies, and marketing techniques are analyzed. Students are provided an opportunity to make preparations and acquire skill instructions for work in the student's career objective. Field trips and visiting lecturers are included.

Prerequisites: HMGT 101 or permission of instructor.

HMGT 103 Travel and Tourism Marketing Techniques 3 Credits

Interpretation of marketing problems, strategies, and techniques of industries engaged in serving the traveler, methods of identifying potential markets, preferences, and likely responses to promotional programs of private and governmental travel entities. Required of all Hospitality Management students. MARK 231 recommended for baccalaureate students.

Prerequisites: HMGT 101 or permission of instructor.

HMGT 199 Employment Concepts 1 Credit

Introduction of the concepts of employment in conjunction with the internship experience. It will provide students with an opportunity to share their concerns with the instructor and other students, allow employers to discuss the internship with students and assist the student in developing his or her career goals. The student will enroll in this course the spring semester immediately preceding the summer they intend to do their HMGT 299 Internship.

Prerequisites: HMGT 101.

Course may be taken multiple times up to maximum of 6 credit hours.

HMGT 200 Management and Supervisory Skills for the Hospitality Industry 3 Credits

Evaluates the supervisory and management processes through a comprehensive overview of how these processes relate to specific hospitality industry applications.

Prerequisites: HMGT 101 or permission of instructor.

HMGT 201 Management in the Travel Industry I 3 Credits

An opportunity to explore operating techniques and problems of the major industries involved in tourism, travel, and hospitality through the eyes of the operating manager. Specific skills used within various industries are developed.

Prerequisites: HMGT 200 or permission of instructor.

HMGT 211 Travel Destinations 3 Credits

For the individual who plans to work, study, or travel internationally including the professional who is, or plans to be, part of the travel industry. Life styles and current local aspects in foreign destinations are considered and guest lecturers are included. Open to all students but strongly recommended for Hospitality Management students.

HMGT 215 Computerized Reservations 3 Credits

An introductory course providing an overview of operation of a computerized reservations system.

Prerequisites: HMGT 101 and HMGT 200.

HMGT 217 Hotel Operations 3 Credits

Introductory course providing an overview of the operation of a hotel front office. This will include the use of the personal computer and state-of-the-art software for reservations, check-in, check-out, and creating the daily report.

Prerequisites: HMGT 101.

HMGT 218 Housekeeping Operations 3 Credits

Comprehensive overview of managing housekeeping operations in the lodging industry including practical applications to industry segments and impact on capital expenditures.

Prerequisites: HMGT 101 or permission of instructor.

HMGT 241 Food and Beverage Operations 3 Credits

Comprehensive overview of management processes in food and beverage operations including site visits and industry guest lecturers.

Prerequisites: HMGT 101 or permission of instructor.

HMGT 295 Independent Study 1-3 Credits

Course may be taken multiple times up to maximum of 6 credit hours.

HMGT 296 Topics 1-3 Credits

Course may be taken multiple times up to maximum of 15 credit hours.

HMGT 299 Internship 1-12 Credits

Classroom studies combined with salaried work in an experience which relates to the student's career goal. Only for, and required of, Hospitality Management students. Credit not available through competency or challenge.

Prerequisites: HMGT 200, GPA of 2.00 or higher, or permission of instructor.

Course may be taken multiple times up to maximum of 6 credit hours.

HMGT 310 Travel and Tourism Marketing Techniques 3 Credits

Interpretation of marketing problems, strategies, and techniques of industries engaged in serving the traveler. Study will include advanced methods of identifying potential markets, preferences and likely responses to promotional programs of private and public travel entities. Required of all Hospitality Management majors.

Prerequisites: HMGT 101, MARK 231 or permission of instructor.

HMGT 311 Experiential Travel 3 Credits

Intensive course structured around faculty-led, short-term travel to selected destinations. Topics include economic, socio-cultural, environmental, legal-political, and technological influences on travel and tourism in business sectors.

Prerequisites: Junior standing.

Terms Typically Offered: Spring, Summer.

HMGT 317 Hospitality Technology 3 Credits

Comprehensive exploration of the essential knowledge and skills needed to thrive in the dynamic and technology-driven world of hospitality. This course covers the intersection of hospitality and technology, offering a deep dive into the tools, systems, and innovations that shape the modern guest experience and streamline operational processes.

Prerequisites: HMGT 101.

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.

HMGT 370 Managing Quality Service 3 Credits

Introduction of quality service management necessary for the overall management process to be successful. This course emphasizes a sound set of principles for service management with application to operations, marketing, and human resources. Practical applications, case studies and a service audit project are included.

Prerequisites: Junior standing.

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.

HMGT 371 Events Management 3 Credits

Overview of the meetings and events industry, including career opportunities. An applied approach is utilized in the planning, proposal, and execution phases of event planning to support the academic course materials.

Prerequisites: HMGT 101.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall.

HMGT 396 Topics: 1-3 Credits

Course may be taken multiple times up to maximum of 15 credit hours.

HMGT 410 Hospitality Facilities Management 3 Credits

Hotel or restaurant physical plant management. Interface with engineering and maintenance departments.

Prerequisites: HMGT 101.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall.

HMGT 417 Applied Hospitality Operations 3 Credits

Overview of hospitality operations in an on-campus full-service hotel. Students will interface with all departments through a complex simulation and on-site shadowing of each department.

Prerequisites: HMGT 101.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall.

HMGT 450 Strategic Hospitality Sales and Marketing 3 Credits

Strategic and operating sales and marketing plans for hospitality properties. Includes development of a sales and marketing plan as a semester project.

Prerequisites: MARK 231 or permission of instructor.

HMGT 470 Hospitality Management Strategies 3 Credits

Comprehensive overview of major hospitality industry management segments. Includes management strategies adapting to the rapidly changing hospitality industry environment.

Prerequisites: HMGT 101, HMGT 417, and HMGT 450.

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.

HMGT 495 Independent Study 1-3 Credits

Course may be taken multiple times up to maximum of 6 credit hours.

HMGT 496 Topics: 1-3 Credits

Course may be taken multiple times up to maximum of 15 credit hours.

HMGT 499 Internship 1-12 Credits

Course may be taken multiple times up to maximum of 15 credit hours.