Human Resource Management (HRMA)

HRMA 371 Human Resource Management 3 Credits

Principles and applications of basic human resource management (HRM). Survey of the HRM functions in organizations. Topics include staffing, training and development, compensation, safety and health, employee and labor relations, and employee performance management.

Prerequisites: MANG 201, junior or senior standing.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.

HRMA 372 Employee Recruitment and Selection 3 Credits

Effective analysis and forecasting of organizational staffing requirements. Assessment, recruitment, and selection of candidates, as well as effective retention of employees in today's complex organizations. Legal aspects of staffing process emphasized.

Prerequisites: HRMA 371.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Summer.

HRMA 373 Human Resource Management, Leadership, Ethics, and Social Responsibility 3 Credits

Review of literature related to Human Resource Management (HRM) and leadership, ethics, and corporate social responsibility. Review articles and books related to the responsibility of HRM leaders and their significant influence on organizational practices, leadership, ethical behavior, and corporate social responsibility.

Prerequisites: HRMA 371 or permission of instructor.

Equivalent Course(s): MANG 370

HRMA 474 Training and Development 3 Credits

Functions of training and development as applied in both large and small business environments. The role of training and development in the current business environment is considered with regard to learning theory, learning objectives, instructional methods, and needs assessment. Focus will be placed on evaluation of training effectiveness and emerging concepts in workplace education.

Prerequisites: HRMA 371.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.

HRMA 475 Compensation and Reward Systems 3 Credits

Designing strategic compensation systems. Seniority, merit, incentive pay, person-focused pay. Job evaluation, internal and external equity. Benefits administration. International, executive, and flexible workforce compensation systems. Diversity and ethical considerations.

Prerequisites: HRMA 371.

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.

HRMA 478 Advanced Human Resource Management 3 Credits

Capstone course for Human Resource Management concentration. Application of human resource practices.

Prerequisites: HRMA 371, HRMA 372, HRMA 474, HRMA 475, and senior standing.

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.

HRMA 495 Independent Study 1-3 Credits

Course may be taken multiple times up to maximum of 6 credit hours.

HRMA 520 Human Resource Management 3 Credits

In-depth study of the effective use and adaptation to the human resources of an organization through the management of people-related activities. The focus is on the core responsibilities and activities of the HR manager. Includes a detailed review of current statutes and regulations affecting the HR field.

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.