Health Sciences (HSCI)

HSCI 101 Introduction to Health Care Professions 3 Credits

Explores the nature of services provided, opportunities within selected fields, and relationships of fields within health sciences. Concepts include: medical terminology, safety and accident prevention, professionalism, legal aspects, safety, communication and math skills, and infection control.

HSCI 295 Independent Study 1-3 Credits

Course may be taken multiple times up to maximum of 6 credit hours.

HSCI 401 Health Informatics I - Data Analysis 2 Credits

Reviews statistical analysis, HIPPA, confidentiality, and terminology pertinent to health informatics.

Prerequisites: Permission of instructor.

HSCI 406 Health Informatics II: Project Design & Implementation 2 Credits

Explores application of knowledge and skills to selected health informatics project.

Prerequisites: Permission of instructor.

HSCI 501 Advanced Health Informatics I - Data Analysis 1 Credit

Reviews statistical analysis, HIPPA, confidentiality, and terminology pertinent to health informatics at the graduate level.

Prerequisites: Permission of instructor.

HSCI 506 Advanced Health Informatics II: Project Design and Implementation 2 Credits

Explores application of knowledge and skills to selected health informatics projects at the graduate level.

Prerequisites: Permission of instructor.