Occupational Therapy (OCCU)

OCCU 510 Scholarship and Research2 Credits

Foundational basis to inspire ethical decision making and the scholarship of research in health care. Exploration of the relationship between theory, research, and practice, with application to the research process, collecting and analyzing quantitative and qualitative data, as well as developing skills for scholarly writing.

Prerequisites: OCCU 511, OCCU 512, OCCU 513, OCCU 514, OCCU 515, OCCU 516, and OCCU 550.

Corequisites: OCCU 520, OCCU 522, and OCCU 523.

Terms Typically Offered: Summer.

OCCU 511 Lifespan and Occupational Performance2 Credits

Exploration of the concept of occupation across the lifespan, from prenatal development to death. The role of occupation as central to health is explored as influenced by culture, disability, ethnicity, illness, and geographic location.

Prerequisites: Admission into the Master of Science in Occupational Therapy program.

Corequisites: OCCU 512, OCCU 513, OCCU 514, OCCU 515, OCCU 516, and OCCU 550.

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.

OCCU 512 Professional Skills and Occupation-Based Practice I2 Credits

Analysis of occupation from an in-depth look at its various forms as defined in the Occupational Therapy Practice Framework, including activity demands for all ages. Students learn to compare, contrast, and choose occupation-based activities based upon activity demands, culture, social, personal, and temporal contexts across the lifespan for diverse populations. Introduction of formal and informal assessments to inform practice.

Prerequisites: Admission into the Master of Science in Occupational Therapy program.

Corequisites: OCCU 511, OCCU 513, OCCU 514, OCCU 515, OCCU 516, and OCCU 550.

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.

OCCU 513 Functional Anatomy and Movement3 Credits

Integrated, theoretical, and functional approaches to studying anatomy and movement across the lifespan. Includes the principles of movement, body alignment, joint structure, muscle actions, and motor planning as the basis to assess typical and atypical movement during life tasks.

Prerequisites: Admission into the Master of Science in Occupational Therapy program.

Corequisites: OCCU 511, OCCU 512, OCCU 514, OCCU 515, OCCU 516, and OCCU 550.

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.

Fees: Yes.

OCCU 514 Wellness and Occupational Performance2 Credits

Examination of the relationship between occupation and wellness within a range of community settings.

Prerequisites: Admission into the Master of Science in Occupational Therapy program.

Corequisites: OCCU 511, OCCU 512, OCCU 513, OCCU 515, OCCU 516, and OCCU 550.

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.

Fees: Yes.

OCCU 515 Occupation-Based Practice and Theory for Older Adults4 Credits

In-depth analysis of occupation-based practice and theory, focused on older adults living with physical, mental, and/or emotional conditions. Topics include: applied occupational therapy skills, application of safety regulations, teaching clients wheelchair and bed mobility, and using evidence-based research to support occupational therapy interventions focused on client-centered occupational participation.

Prerequisites: Admission into the Master of Science in Occupational Therapy program.

Corequisites: OCCU 511, OCCU 512, OCCU 513, OCCU 514, OCCU 516, OCCU 550.

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.

Fees: Yes.

OCCU 516 History and Theoretical Foundations of Occupational Therapy1 Credit

Introduction to the history of the occupational therapy profession, occupational science, and theories. Skills associated with analysis, critical reasoning, and theory development associated with the occupational therapy process.

Prerequisites: Admission into the Master of Science in Occupational Therapy program.

Corequisites: OCCU 511, OCCU 512, OCCU 513, OCCU 514, OCCU 515, and OCCU 550.

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.

OCCU 520 Brain, Behavior and Occupation3 Credits

Foundational neuroscience preparation, including: nervous system structures and development, neurotransmission and neurohormonal mechanisms, plasticity in typical development, and response to trauma and disease. Covers neuronal pathways underlying function, with emphasis on sensation, movement, cognition, pain, behavior, emotion, sex, sleep/rest, language, and learning. Analysis of differences in nervous system function to understand how occupational performance relates to processing of neurological structures.

Prerequisites: OCCU 511, OCCU 512, OCCU 513, OCCU 514, OCCU 515, OCCU 516, and OCCU 550.

Corequisites: OCCU 510, OCCU 522, and OCCU 523.

Terms Typically Offered: Summer.

Fees: Yes.

OCCU 522 Professional Skills and Occupation-Based Practice II2 Credits

Investigation of occupation and activities using the Occupational Therapy Practice Framework (OTPF), focusing on adults living with acute or chronic health conditions. Acquisition of skills to administer and interpret evaluations used in practice. Prepares the student to compare, contrast, and choose occupation-based activities based upon activity demands, culture, social, personal, and temporal contexts for diverse populations.

Prerequisites: OCCU 511, OCCU 512, OCCU 513, OCCU 514, OCCU 515, OCCU 516, and OCCU 550.

Corequisites: OCCU 510, OCCU 520, and OCCU 523.

Terms Typically Offered: Summer.

OCCU 523 Occupation-Based Practice and Theory for Adults4 Credits

In-depth analysis of occupation-based practice and theory focused on adults living with acute or chronic illness and other occupational performance issues.

Prerequisites: OCCU 511, OCCU 512, OCCU 513, OCCU 514, OCCU 515, OCCU 516, and OCCU 550.

Corequisites: OCCU 510, OCCU 520, and OCCU 522.

Terms Typically Offered: Summer.

Fees: Yes.

OCCU 530 Scholarship and Evidence-Based Practice I2 Credits

Development of skills to explore and use evidence to support practice. Continued exploration of the evidence-based literature requiring analysis, interpretation, and synthesis of data, inclusive of quantitative and qualitative research, systematic and scoping reviews, critical appraisal of research, and case studies.

Prerequisites: OCCU 510, OCCU 520, OCCU 522, and OCCU 523.

Corequisites: OCCU 531, OCCU 532, OCCU 533, OCCU 534, and OCCU 552.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall.

OCCU 531 Occupation-Based Practice and Theory for Children and Adolescents4 Credits

In-depth analysis of occupation-based practice & theory focused on infants, children, and adolescents living with developmental or acquired health conditions and their caregivers. Topics include the occupational therapy process for a variety of settings and how client-centered occupational therapy influences physical, mental, and emotional health.

Prerequisites: OCCU 510, OCCU 520, OCCU 522, and OCCU 523.

Corequisites: OCCU 530, OCCU 532, OCCU 533, OCCU 534, and OCCU 552.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall.

Fees: Yes.

OCCU 532 Assistive Technology and Occupation2 Credits

Exploration of assistive technology (AT) and adapted equipment to improve quality of life and participation in everyday occupations and daily life tasks. This course will cover topics related to: assessment, design, fabrication, application, and training in assistive technologies and devices to improve occupational performance.

Prerequisites: OCCU 510, OCCU 520, OCCU 522, and OCCU 523.

Corequisites: OCCU 530, OCCU 531, OCCU 533, OCCU 534, and OCCU 552.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall.

Fees: Yes.

OCCU 533 Telehealth, Occupation and Modalities2 Credits

Investigation and analysis of the appropriate application of telehealth, as well as the safe and effective use of physical agent modalities (PAMs) to support function and occupational engagement. Topics include the use of telehealth for urban and rural populations and clinical decision making for use of modalities in practice to support occupational engagement.

Prerequisites: OCCU 510, OCCU 520, OCCU 522, and OCCU 523.

Corequisites: OCCU 530, OCCU 531, OCCU 532, OCCU 534, and OCCU 552.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall.

Fees: Yes.

OCCU 534 Occupational Therapy and Mental Health Practice2 Credits

Approaches to provisions of occupational therapy services in mental and behavioral health settings, educational settings, work, and community. Practice models, assessments, and intervention planning skills will be developed.

Prerequisites: OCCU 510, OCCU 520, OCCU 522, and OCCU 523.

Corequisites: OCCU 530, OCCU 531, OCCU 532, OCCU 533, and OCCU 552.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall.

OCCU 540 Scholarship and Evidence-Based Practice II2 Credits

Application of research concepts leading to a research protocol and proposal for submission to an Institutional Review Board. Skills include methods of data collection and analysis, as well as preparation of a scholarly report.

Prerequisites: OCCU 530, OCCU 531, OCCU 532, OCCU 533, OCCU 534, and OCCU 552.

Corequisites: OCCU 541, OCCU 542, OCCU 543, OCCU 553, and OCCU 593.

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.

OCCU 541 Leadership and Ethics in Occupational Therapy2 Credits

Preparation in leadership skills for assuming roles requiring ethical prioritizing and professional decision making. Topics include: policy development, advocacy, business aspects of practice, legislation affecting practice, marketing the delivery of services, quality management and improvement as well as ethical decision making, and supervision of personnel.

Prerequisites: OCCU 530, OCCU 531, OCCU 532, OCCU 533, OCCU 534, and OCCU 552.

Corequisites: OCCU 540, OCCU 542, OCCU 543, OCCU 553, and OCCU 593.

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.

OCCU 542 Occupation-Based Practice and Theory for Populations4 Credits

In-depth investigation of occupation and activities utilizing the Occupational Therapy Practice Framework (OTPF) for populations experiencing chronic health problems due to complex socio-cultural-economic-political factors (e.g., homelessness; drug addiction; diabetes). Skills developed include creation and application of occupation-based activities to improve quality of life and occupational engagement.

Prerequisites: OCCU 530, OCCU 531, OCCU 532, OCCU 533, OCCU 534, and OCCU 552.

Corequisites: OCCU 540, OCCU 541, OCCU 543, OCCU 553, and OCCU 593.

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.

OCCU 543 Professional Development Preparation2 Credits

Preparation in the attitudes and skills necessary for practice. Students will gain competency in the occupational therapy process by evaluating written and actual standardized patients/clients representing clinical populations.

Prerequisites: OCCU 530, OCCU 531, OCCU 532, OCCU 533, OCCU 534, and OCCU 552.

Corequisites: OCCU 540, OCCU 541, OCCU 542, OCCU 553, and OCCU 593.

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.

OCCU 550 Fieldwork Level IA and Seminar1 Credit

Participation in traditional and emerging practice areas in wellness communities for older adults. Includes behavioral health, followed by discussion of health and wellness in older adult communities. Hands-on experience interacting with groups of at-risk individuals during activities, with a focus on health promotion and occupational engagement.

Prerequisites: Admission into the Master of Science in Occupational Therapy program.

Corequisites: OCCU 511, OCCU 512, OCCU 513, OCCU 514, OCCU 515, and OCCU 516.

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.

OCCU 552 Fieldwork Level IC and Seminar1 Credit

Participation in traditional and emerging practice areas, inclusive of behavioral health, where occupation is the focus of intervention for infants, children, and adolescents with congenital or acquired disability. Exploration of factors influencing occupational performance and behavioral health via supervised hands-on experience and practice of professional skills.

Prerequisites: OCCU 520, OCCU 522, and OCCU 523.

Corequisites: OCCU 530, OCCU 531, OCCU 532, OCCU 533, and OCCU 534.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall.

Fees: Yes.

OCCU 553 Fieldwork Level ID and Seminar with Inter-Professional Education1 Credit

Didactic and experiential course providing opportunities in analyzing diverse cases from multiple inter-professional perspectives to prepare the student for professional life. The student will experience a variety of professional perspectives, including but not limited to: special education, nursing, physical therapy, speech therapy, athletic training, physicians, and physician assistants. Emphasis on professional behavior preparation in the skills and attitudes for practice.

Prerequisites: OCCU 530, OCCU 531, OCCU 532, OCCU 533, OCCU 534, and OCCU 552.

Corequisites: OCCU 540, OCCU 541, OCCU 542, OCCU 543, and OCCU 593.

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.

Fees: Yes.

OCCU 554 Fieldwork Level IIA12 Credits

Fieldwork experience under the mentored supervision of a licensed occupational therapist. Includes an in-depth experience in delivering occupational therapy services to clients throughout the occupational therapy process. Students are expected to assume increasing responsibilities related to client care.

Prerequisites: OCCU 540, OCCU 541, OCCU 542, OCCU 543, and OCCU 553.

Terms Typically Offered: Summer.

OCCU 555 Fieldwork Level IIB12 Credits

Mentored experience in the evaluation and treatment of individuals from a different age group, health condition and setting other than the Level IIA Fieldwork. Conducted under the supervision of a licensed occupational therapist.

Prerequisites: OCCU 554.

Corequisites: OCCU 594.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall.

OCCU 593 Occupational Therapy Culminating Experience1 Credit

Culminating experience to demonstrate synthesis of knowledge gained from a graduate-level research project. Research findings will be disseminated to peers, stakeholders, and wider audiences through poster presentations and submission of a manuscript to a scholarly journal. Emphasis on contributing to the growth and dissemination of research and knowledge in the occupational therapy profession.

Prerequisites: Admission into the Master of Science in Occupational Therapy program, OCCU 530, OCCU 531, OCCU 532, OCCU 533, and OCCU 552.

Corequisites: OCCU 540, OCCU 541, OCCU 542, OCCU 543, and OCCU 553.

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.

Fees: Yes.

OCCU 594 Fieldwork Seminar1 Credit

Consultation with AFWC on culminating project ensuring synthesis and integration of MSOT curriculum and assessment of practical knowledge. Completion of Fieldwork Level IIA.

Prerequisites: OCCU 554.

Corequisites: OCCU 555.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall.

OCCU 596 Topics:1-3 Credits

Course may be taken multiple times up to maximum of 15 credit hours.