Political Science (POLS)
POLS 101 American Government-GTSS1 3 Credits
Structures and functions of the American political system, including the constitutional development of federalism and separation of powers. Citizen participation and influence in politics, the congress, presidency and the supreme court, and public policy including civil rights and liberties will also be covered.
Essential Learning Categories: Social and Behavioral Sciences
Colorado Guaranteed Transfer (GT) Pathways General Education Curriculum
Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
POLS 151 Introduction to Political Ideas 3 Credits
Introduction to the major theories of human political organization and ideas that frame those approaches. Emphasis on theories of democracy, authoritarianism, liberalism, conservatism and contemporary ideologies of liberation (feminism, environmentalism and race).
Essential Learning Categories: Social and Behavioral Sciences
Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
POLS 196 Topics: 1-3 Credits
Course may be taken multiple times up to maximum of 15 credit hours.
POLS 201 Introduction to Political Inquiry 2 Credits
Introduction to major tools of investigation in the study of politics. Examination of modern scientific research design and methods. Additional emphasis on discipline-specific skills in critical thinking, information literacy, writing and citation mechanics, and oral communication.
Terms Typically Offered: Fall.
POLS 236 State and Local Government 3 Credits
Theories of state formation and constitutional development, city charters, county government, and intergovernmental relations, with emphasis on Colorado.
Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
POLS 261 Comparative Politics-GTSS1 3 Credits
Introduction to conceptual models and approaches utilized in the comparative study of nations and their politics. Application of these theories to selected democratic, communist, and developing political systems.
Essential Learning Categories: Social and Behavioral Sciences
Colorado Guaranteed Transfer (GT) Pathways General Education Curriculum
Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
POLS 270 World Politics 3 Credits
Introduction to structures, processes, and behaviors shaping world politics. Emphasis on states and their interactions as well as non-state actors and cultural, economic, and environmental forces shaping an emerging world community.
Essential Learning Categories: Social and Behavioral Sciences
Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
POLS 295 Independent Study 1-3 Credits
Course may be taken multiple times up to maximum of 6 credit hours.
POLS 296 Topics: 1-3 Credits
Course may be taken multiple times up to maximum of 15 credit hours.
POLS 324 United States Congress 3 Credits
Study of the United States Congress. Attention will be given to the development of Congress, congressional operations, and the election of members of Congress.
Prerequisites: POLS 101.
Terms Typically Offered: Spring.
POLS 325 The American Presidency 3 Credits
Study of the American chief executive, emphasizing the historical development of the office, the various functions of the modern chief executive, and a brief comparison with the executive officer of other national states.
Terms Typically Offered: Fall.
POLS 328 The American Court System 3 Credits
The American court system; local, state, and national, including consideration of the impact of prosecutors, defense personnel, judges, and other factors on court decisions and the criminal justice system.
Prerequisites: POLS 101 or CRMJ 201.
Equivalent Course(s): CRMJ 328
POLS 333 Rural Politics and Civic Engagement 3 Credits
Collaboration with classmates and external community stakeholders to analyze a local rural issue, write a report, and propose solutions. Exploration of the various theories and issues of rural politics in the United States.
Terms Typically Offered: Fall.
POLS 342 Public Administration 3 Credits
Historical development of public administration, including organizational structure and theory, management, personnel administration, fiscal administration, and administrative responsibility.
Terms Typically Offered: Spring.
POLS 351 Public and Elite Political Behavior 3 Credits
Behavior of elected officials and the public in American politics. Achievement of power and how actions are evaluated via public opinion and voting. Role of media in American politics explored.
Prerequisites: POLS 101.
Terms Typically Offered: Spring.
POLS 352 Religion and Politics 3 Credits
Interactions between religion and politics in the United States and several liberal democracies, as well as the effects of these interactions on international relations.
Terms Typically Offered: Fall.
POLS 353 Politics of Human and Natural Resources 3 Credits
Study of politics and public policy surrounding natural resource allocation, preservation, development and consumption by human social systems. Emphasis on challenges of public policy formation and implementation in areas of land, water, energy, minerals, food, and habitat at domestic and global levels.
Terms Typically Offered: Fall.
POLS 354 Political Geography 3 Credits
Exploration of ways in which physical landscapes shape political attitudes, ideas, and institutions. Emphasis on key concepts of place, mapping, borders, territory, nationalism, and ecological and social impact of natural settings.
Equivalent Course(s): GEOG 354
Terms Typically Offered: Fall.
POLS 356 Indigenous Politics 3 Credits
Exploration of interactions between the state and various indigenous peoples around the world. Internal political structure and practice of selected indigenous groups and the role of indigenous nations in global politics.
Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
POLS 366 Government and Politics of Asia 3 Credits
Exploration of political systems of China, Japan, Korea, India, and Indonesia. Emphasizes political development, sources, processes, and evaluation of policy making, and contemporary challenges facing these countries.
Terms Typically Offered: Fall.
POLS 372 Peace and Conflict Studies 3 Credits
Interdisciplinary exploration of nature and causes of conflict, conflict resolution, and foundations of justice and peace. Analyzes historical and contemporary conflicts, both civil and international, and examines how evidence and theory are used to understand peace and conflict.
Terms Typically Offered: Spring.
POLS 373 Global Politics of Women and Gender 3 Credits
Exploration of women and gender in global security and the global political economy. Topics include: violence and war, transnational activism, migration, development, human rights, sex work, and domestic work. Examines contemporary case studies and how evidence and theory are used to explain the gendered nature of global security and economic systems.
Terms Typically Offered: Spring.
POLS 386 Study Away: Off-Campus Learning Experience 3 Credits
Exploration of cultural values, political structures, and political behaviors in an off-campus setting. Locations and site-specific activities will vary. Supplementation of student knowledge of political theories and institutions through direct experience and field instruction. Encouragement towards being a global citizen and an ambassador of one's own culture.
Terms Typically Offered: Summer.
POLS 395 Independent Study 1-3 Credits
Course may be taken multiple times up to maximum of 6 credit hours.
POLS 396 Topics 1-3 Credits
Course may be taken multiple times up to maximum of 15 credit hours.
POLS 399 Internship 1-3 Credits
Course may be taken multiple times up to maximum of 15 credit hours.
POLS 412 Constitutional Law 3 Credits
An analysis of American constitutional theory as articulated by the U. S. Supreme Court. Specific topics include the nature of judicial review, the powers of the President and Congress, federalism, the regulation of commerce and the development of substantive due process.
Prerequisites: POLS 101 or permission of instructor.
Equivalent Course(s): CRMJ 412
POLS 452 Political Theory: Classical and Medieval 3 Credits
Study of the development of political theory around the ancient world. Emphasizes the teaching of main social systems and the major theorists in those systems: Egypt, Mesopotamia, Israel, India, China, Greece, Rome, Christianity, Islam, and Medieval thought. Develops ideas in relation to historical and cultural contexts, textual consistency, and the evolving tradition of political discourse.
Terms Typically Offered: Fall.
POLS 453 Political Theory: Modern 3 Credits
Study of the development of political theory in the Western tradition. Emphasizes the teaching of main thinkers: Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Augustine, Aquinas, More, Machiavelli, Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Mill, and Marx. Develops ideas in relation to historical and cultural contexts, textual consistency, and the evolving tradition of political discourse in Western civilization.
Terms Typically Offered: Fall.
POLS 462 Public Policy: Theory and Practice 3 Credits
Overview of theory and practice of the making and implementation of public policy. Examination of participants and stages of public policy making. Analysis of success/failure of controversial public policies. Topics may include: healthcare policy, drug policy, and welfare.
Terms Typically Offered: Spring.
POLS 471 International Organizations and Law 3 Credits
Analysis of management of world politics and economics by networks of states, international and regional organizations, and non-state participants. Includes human and environmental security, human rights, global health, organized crime, global political economy, and development. Examines successful and unsuccessful problem management in a globalized world.
Prerequisites: POLS 270.
Terms Typically Offered: Spring.
POLS 472 International Political Economy 3 Credits
Analysis of origins, evolution, and trajectory of global political economy. Includes international regulation, trade, finance, and monetary systems, as well as development, foreign aid, migration, organized crime, and resource extraction. Explores theory and evidence used to explain global economic developments.
Prerequisites: POLS 270.
POLS 475 American Foreign and National Security Policy 3 Credits
American foreign and national security policy, with emphasis on 1945 to the present and beyond. Examination of foreign and domestic factors shaping policy, the mechanisms and dynamics of policy making, the role of perception and motives underlying decision and action, and case studies of historical crises and contemporary debates.
Terms Typically Offered: Fall.
POLS 482 International Relations Theory 3 Credits
Exploration of the major theoretical approaches to international relations and global politics. Special emphasis placed on foundational concepts such as the state, sovereignty, governance, borders, and emerging issues of identity, non-state participants, and human security.
Prerequisites: POLS 270.
Terms Typically Offered: Fall.
POLS 484 Environmental Political Theory 3 Credits
Study of major philosophies and their treatment of the environment. Special emphasis on indigenous and alternative ecological perspectives, extension of rights and agency to non-human entities, and the diversity of theories guiding the modern environmental movement.
Terms Typically Offered: Fall.
POLS 488 Environmental Politics and Policy 3 Credits
Introduction to the political issues and problems associated with patterns of socio-economic growth and its environmental impact at both domestic and global levels of analysis.
Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
POLS 493 Senior Capstone 1 Credit
Capstone experience for political science program. Cumulative seminar on political science with emphasis on application of knowledge acquired throughout the degree program. Preparation for transition into political work, graduate school or law school.
Prerequisites: POLS 201 and senior standing.
Terms Typically Offered: Fall.
POLS 495 Independent Study 1-3 Credits
Course may be taken multiple times up to maximum of 6 credit hours.
POLS 496 Topics 1-3 Credits
Course may be taken multiple times up to maximum of 15 credit hours.
POLS 499 Internship 1-15 Credits
May be performed in areas relating to Political Science, such as civic, political, or legal. Internships will be conducted in Mesa County, the Denver legislature, or in Washington, D.C.
Prerequisites: Junior or senior standing.
Course may be taken multiple times up to maximum of 15 credit hours.
POLS 501 Theories of Political Science 3 Credits
Graduate-level introduction to theoretical approaches in political science. Topics will include basic issues in the philosophy of social science, as well as theoretical frameworks that cut across the sub-fields of the discipline: rational choice, social constructivism, institutionalism, Marxism, feminism, and post-structuralism. Approaches unique to the three major subfields of comparative politics, international relations, and political philosophy will also be covered.
Prerequisites: Admission into Social Studies Graduate Certificate Program.
POLS 505 American Government 3 Credits
Graduate-level introduction to the foundations of American government. The course will cover major readings and theories in American government. Topics include American political development, institutions (Congress, presidency, judiciary), political behavior (public opinion, voting and elections, political parties and interest groups), and public policy.
Prerequisites: Admission into Social Sciences Graduate Certificate Program.