Psychology - Counseling (PSYP)
PSYP 305 Suicide Intervention Training 1 Credit
Provides a clear and direct method to intervene with those at risk of suicide. Students learn to identify risk factors, develop safety plans, practice skills to intervene, and develop an understanding of resources available. This is a two day (16 hour) suicide intervention workshop.
PSYP 306 Applied Ethics in Mental Health and Counseling 1 Credit
Application of professional ethical principles and codes to mental health and health service settings.
PSYP 320 Career Development 3 Credits
Theories of, and factors influencing, career development such as assessment, career maturity, decision making, problem solving, and planning. Current developments in adult career and life development will be discussed including life stages, transitions, midlife crisis, stress, and adjustments necessary for career development effectiveness.
Prerequisites: PSYC 201 or permission of instructor.
PSYP 322 Multicultural Service Learning 3 Credits
Exploration of multiculturalism through ethnography and community service field work.
Prerequisites: PSYC 201.
PSYP 396 Topics 1-3 Credits
Course may be taken multiple times up to maximum of 15 credit hours.
PSYP 410 Introduction to Marriage and Family Counseling 3 Credits
Key theories and approaches for diverse problem areas in Marriage and Family Counseling, including domestic violence and substance abuse. Explore career options and training for counselors.
Prerequisites: PSYC 150 or SOCO 144.
PSYP 420 Counseling Processes and Techniques 3 Credits
Counseling principles and practices which facilitate interpersonal communication and effective personal and social development. Counseling skills in attending behavior, listening, problem exploration, responding, understanding, and modes of action are examined, discussed and applied in classroom counseling situations.
Prerequisites: PSYP 320 and PSYC 340 or permission of instructor.
PSYP 422 Psychological Interviewing 3 Credits
Psychological interviewing techniques, methods, and interpretation will be examined using the DSM-V. Interview types will include counseling, intake, assessment, and diagnosis.
Prerequisites: PSYC 201, PSYC 340 and PSYC 400.
PSYP 424 Group Processes 3 Credits
Dynamics, procedures, and processes of the group. Focus will be on understanding self and learning how to help others develop self-understanding as well as personal and social skill.
Prerequisites: PSYP 420.
PSYP 496 Topics 1-3 Credits
Course may be taken multiple times up to maximum of 15 credit hours.
PSYP 497 Practicum I 4 Credits
Interpersonal training and counseling practice under professional supervision. A typed paper/journal must be submitted for approval and course credit.
Prerequisites: Senior standing and permission of instructor. Practicum must be arranged for the semester prior to enrollment.
PSYP 499 Practicum II 4 Credits
Counseling experience in external field locations according to needs and career goals of the student. A typed paper/journal must be submitted for approval and course credit.
Prerequisites: Permission of instructor. Internship must be arranged for the semester prior to enrollment.