Surgical Technology (SUTE)
SUTE 200 Medical Terminology in Surgical Technology 2 Credits
Exploration of word roots, prefixes, and suffixes used in medicine and healthcare. Students will learn medical terminology and definitions related to major body systems and procedures associated with the surgical setting.
Prerequisites: Admission to the Surgical Technology Program, BIOL 209/BIOL 209L, BIOL 210/BIOL 210L, BIOL 241, and PSYC 150.
Corequisites: SUTE 202/SUTE 202L, SUTE 206, and SUTE 210.
Terms Typically Offered: Fall.
SUTE 202 Fundamentals in Surgical Technology 4 Credits
Introduction to the scope and breadth of surgical technology. Students learn evidence-based practices to promote patient safety and to adhere to standards of practice in the surgical setting.
Prerequisites: Admission to the Surgical Technology Program, BIOL 209/BIOL 209L, BIOL 210/BIOL 210L, BIOL 241, and PSYC 150.
Corequisites: SUTE 200, SUTE 202L, SUTE 206, SUTE 210.
Terms Typically Offered: Fall.
SUTE 202L Fundamentals in Surgical Technology Laboratory 3 Credits
Approaches to surgical technology. Students will learn tasks and responsibilities of the surgical technologist including the practice of sterile technique, surgical scrub, gown and glove, patient positioning, draping, and surgical prep on patients. Students will learn the practice of standard precautions in surgery. Skills will be practiced in a clinical setting.
Prerequisites: Admission to the Surgical Technology Program; BIOL 209/BIOL 209L, BIOL 210/BIOL 210L, BIOL 241, and PSYC 150.
Corequisites: SUTE 200, SUTE 202, SUTE 206, and SUTE 210.
Terms Typically Offered: Fall.
SUTE 206 Pharmacology for Surgical Technology 3 Credits
Exploration of safe use of prescription and nonprescription drugs. Emphasis will be placed on the impact of safe drug use in promoting and maintaining health. The course will examine how drugs affect the body by changing many of its normal mechanisms, thereby contributing to potential health problems during surgery.
Prerequisites: Admission to the Surgical Technology Program, BIOL 209/BIOL 209L, BIOL 210/BIOL 210L, BIOL 241, and PSYC 150.
Corequisites: SUTE 200, SUTE 202/SUTE 202L, and SUTE 210.
Terms Typically Offered: Fall.
SUTE 210 Safety and Equipment 3 Credits
Exploration of hazard prevention in the surgical setting. Students learn to prepare, plan, detect and communicate safety and security principles. Students learn tasks and responsibilities of incident-management, all- hazard preparation, and components of personal, community, and institutional disaster planning. Evidence based practice guidelines, healthcare regulations and legal considerations are discussed.
Prerequisites: Admission to the Surgical Technology Program, BIOL 209/BIOL 209L, BIOL 210/BIOL 210L, BIOL 241, and PSYC 150.
Corequisites: SUTE 200, SUTE 202/SUTE 202L, and SUTE 206.
Terms Typically Offered: Fall.
SUTE 212 Surgical Procedures I 4 Credits
Exploration of surgical specialties including, but not limited to, general surgery, obstetrics and gynecologic, genitourinary, orthopedics, and neurosurgical. This course introduces the student to specialized instrumentation and surgical modalities of each surgical specialty.
Prerequisites: SUTE 200, SUTE 202/SUTE 202L, SUTE 206, and SUTE 210.
Corequisites: SUTE 212L, SUTE 218, and SUTE 220.
Terms Typically Offered: Spring.
SUTE 212L Surgical Procedures I Laboratory 3 Credits
Exploration of specific surgical specialties including general surgery, obstetrics and gynecologic, genitourinary, orthopedics, and neurosurgical. This course introduces the student to the surgical specialties with a focus on a systems review of pathology in conjunction with specific procedures performed, specialized instrumentation, and surgical modalities of each surgical specialty.
Prerequisites: SUTE 200, SUTE 202/SUTE 202L, SUTE 206, and SUTE 210.
Corequisites: SUTE 212, SUTE 218, and SUTE 220.
Terms Typically Offered: Spring.
Fees: Yes.
SUTE 218 Specialty Surgical Procedures 4 Credits
Exploration of specific surgical specialties including, but not limited to, plastics, ophthalmic, vascular, thoracic, and cardiac surgeries. The student will focus on specific procedures performed, specialized instrumentation, and surgical modalities of each specialty.
Prerequisites: SUTE 200, SUTE 202/SUTE 202L, SUTE 206, and SUTE 210.
Corequisites: SUTE 212/SUTE 212L and SUTE 220.
Terms Typically Offered: Spring.
SUTE 220 Surgical Clinical I 3 Credits
Demonstration of basic surgical technology skills and abilities. Emphasis is placed on accrual of practice experiences necessary for national certification. Students participate in general surgical procedures through a variety of surgical cases.
Prerequisites: SUTE 200, SUTE 202/SUTE 202L, SUTE 206, and SUTE 210.
Corequisites: SUTE 212/SUTE 212L and SUTE 218.
Terms Typically Offered: Spring.
SUTE 230 Surgical Clinical II 3 Credits
Demonstration of surgical technology skills and abilities of increasing complexity. Emphasis is placed on accrual of practice experiences necessary for national certification. Students participate in complex procedures through a variety of surgical cases.
Prerequisites: SUTE 212/SUTE 212L, SUTE 218, and SUTE 220.
Corequisites: SUTE 240.
Terms Typically Offered: Summer.
SUTE 240 Surgical Clinical III 4 Credits
Demonstration of the roles and responsibilities of a surgical technologist. Emphasis is placed on preparation for minimally supervised practice and completion of the national certification exam. Students function in increasingly autonomous roles through a variety of surgical cases.
Prerequisites: SUTE 212/SUTE 212L, SUTE 218, and SUTE 220.
Corequisites: SUTE 230.
Terms Typically Offered: Summer.
Fees: Yes.