Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UASP)

UASP 101 UAS Pilot Ground School 3 Credits

Exploration of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS). Includes history and terminology, all aspects of legal compliance (both recreational and commercial), and what UAS can do.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall.

UASP 110 UAS Pilot License Preparation 1 Credit

Preparation for the FAA Commercial UAS Pilot License. All topics on the FAA Remote Pilot - Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems Knowledge Test are covered.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall.

UASP 120 UAS Pilot Operations and Applications 1 Credit

Development of proficiency in flying UAS. Students will learn how to prepare for and conduct a data gathering mission. All aspects of flight, including sensor payloads, are explored. Includes hands-on experience flying UAS.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall.