University College (UNIV)

UNIV 096 Gearing Up For College 1-3 Credits

UNIV 100 College Success Skills 1 Credit

Introduction to fundamental learning skills for Compass students, first semester management strategies and campus resources specific to the higher education environment. Emphasized development of basic practical competencies necessary for successful completion of entry level university courses.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall.

UNIV 101 First Year College Success 2 Credits

Assistance and guidance for students in maximizing their potential for success in college by promoting their academic growth. Emphasizes test taking, reading techniques, note taking, and memory as well as the following: critical thinking, stress management, utilization of campus resources, goal setting, relationship of academic planning to career goals, career exploration and other topics.

UNIV 102 Community College Success 2 Credits

Introduction to fundamental learning skills and first semester learning and management strategies, specifically for students engaged in career and technical education pathways.

UNIV 103 Community College Success II 1 Credit

Continued support strategies for students in the second semester of college.

Prerequisites: UNIV 102.

UNIV 104 Beyond College Success 1 Credit

Advanced college success skills to develop student independence and enhance personal and professional growth. Emphasis on self-discovery, practical application of success strategies, and implementation of an academic plan including co-curricular involvement and major/career goals.

Prerequisites: UNIV 100.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.

UNIV 105 Competency Portfolio Development 1 Credit

Required preparation of learning portfolio for assessment of academic credit. Will aid in organization and completion of portfolio for prior learning experiences; workshop credit is unrelated to final approval of portfolio for specific course credit.

UNIV 106 International Student College Success 1 Credit

Assistance and guidance for international students to maximize their potential for success in college. Emphasis on the academic classroom expectations, policies, and procedures as well as on the social and emotional aspects associated with the transition to life as a college student in the United States.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall.

UNIV 151 College Learning: Strategies and Success 1 Credit

Introduction to fundamental learning skills for concurrent students, which include introduction to the higher education environment, first-semester management strategies, communication skills, and basic practical competencies necessary for successful completion of career technical university courses.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall.

UNIV 196 Topics 1-3 Credits

Course may be taken multiple times up to maximum of 15 credit hours.

UNIV 201 Theory and Practice of College Peer Tutoring 3 Credits

General and specific training for college level peer tutoring. Readings, discussion, experiential exercises expose students to contemporary learning theories, learning enhancement techniques, and effective applications to group and individual learning situations. Supervised tutoring practicum applies theories and concepts to actual tutoring sessions.

Prerequisites: Permission of instructor; 2.5 GPA; recommendation by instructor in subject area.

UNIV 202 Sophomore Year Experience 2 Credits

Exploration of career and academic interests. Emphasis on self-discovery, resume building, making connections with faculty and community members, and solidification of academic plans. Includes a follow-up opportunity to job shadow and participate in service learning.

Prerequisites: Sophomore level standing and permission of instructor.

UNIV 296 Topics: 1-3 Credits

Course may be taken multiple times up to maximum of 15 credit hours.