Foreign Language-Spanish (FLAS)
FLAS 111 First-Year Spanish I 3 Credits
Basic Spanish language skills. Introduction to greetings, classroom, and family vocabularies in the present and present progressive tenses. Hispanic cultural and social interactions.
Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
FLAS 112 First-Year Spanish II 3 Credits
Continuation of basic Spanish language skills. Introduction of specialized vocabularies and past tenses (preterit vs. imperfect). Continuation of Hispanic cultural and social interactions.
Prerequisites: FLAS 111.
Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
FLAS 211 Second-Year Spanish I 3 Credits
Continuation of basic Spanish language skills. Introduces subjunctive mood, future and conditionals, and other language constructions.
Prerequisites: FLAS 112.
Essential Learning Categories: Humanities
Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
FLAS 212 Second-Year Spanish II 3 Credits
Review of Spanish grammar. Practice in writing, speaking, listening comprehension, and reading.
Prerequisites: FLAS 211.
Terms Typically Offered: Spring.
FLAS 213 Spanish Conversation and Grammar 3 Credits
Conversational practice in Spanish over a wide range of topics, with focus on conversational skills at the intermediate level. Review of Spanish grammar.
Prerequisites: FLAS 211.
Essential Learning Categories: Humanities
Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
FLAS 290 Special Studies in Spanish 1-3 Credits
FLAS 295 Independent Study 1-3 Credits
Course may be taken multiple times up to maximum of 6 credit hours.
FLAS 296 Topics 1-3 Credits
Course may be taken multiple times up to maximum of 15 credit hours.
FLAS 300 Spanish Composition and Grammar 3 Credits
Writing practice in Spanish over a wide range of topics, including written accents and other spelling conventions, with focus on writing skills at the intermediate level. Review of Spanish grammar.
Prerequisites: FLAS 213 (can be taken concurrently).
Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
FLAS 301 Advanced Spanish Grammar 3 Credits
Level of instruction that assumes a previous formal contact with Spanish. It is not only devoted to increase awareness of grammatical accuracy but also develops the form and structure of language, always oriented towards a practical use of Spanish.
Prerequisites: FLAS 212 or permission of instructor.
FLAS 302 Advanced Spanish Composition 3 Credits
Writing of well-structured and clearly-planned compositions of varying lengths and styles. Provides the opportunity for students to do research and prepares them for the writing of regular term papers in Spanish.
Prerequisites: FLAS 300.
Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
FLAS 303 Advanced Spanish Conversation 3 Credits
Conversational practice in Spanish over a wide range of topics. Strategies in organization of oral discourse and improvisation with special attention to advanced expression, grammaticality, and specific characteristics of spoken language.
Prerequisites: FLAS 302.
Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
FLAS 304 Advanced Oral Production and Composition 3 Credits
Introduction to writing well-structured and clearly planned compositions of varying lengths and styles. Preparation, organization, and delivery of a speech in Spanish. Provides the opportunity for students to conduct research and prepares them for the writing of term papers and oral presentations in Spanish. Special attention given to advanced expression and grammar.
Prerequisites: FLAS 300.
Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
FLAS 305 Advanced Spanish Grammar and Spanish English Contrasts 3 Credits
Development of grammatical awareness and accuracy, with orientation towards a practical use of Spanish. Includes comparison and contrast of English and Spanish grammar.
Prerequisites: FLAS 300.
Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
FLAS 311 History and Culture of Spain 3 Credits
Introduction to Spanish culture and history, including the physical characteristics of the Iberian Peninsula, the earliest Pre-Roman inhabitants, the Roman conquest to the Germanic invasions, the Islamic empire, the Christian “Reconquest”, the Spanish empire, its decline and end, the industrial revolution, the modernization, the II Republic, Civil War, Franco’s dictatorship, and Spain’s conversion into the democratic monarchy of today.
Prerequisites: FLAS 304 or FLAS 305.
Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
FLAS 312 History and Culture of Latin America 3 Credits
Exploration of Latin American culture, including origins of pre-Columbian cultures of Meso-America, the Caribbean, and South-America; Spanish invasion and colonial culture; new racial and ethnic groups; independence and new republics; neo-colonialism in the western hemisphere; post-Cuban Revolutionary influence; influence of U.S. during the “cold war”; economic and commercial interdependence; immigration of Latinos to the U.S.; and current events.
Prerequisites: FLAS 304 or FLAS 305.
Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
FLAS 321 Introduction to the Literature of Spain 3 Credits
Introduction to the literature of Spain, from the Middle Ages through the twenty-first century. Includes excerpts from major works in poetry, narrative, and theater.
Prerequisites: FLAS 300, FLAS 302, and FLAS 303.
Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
FLAS 322 Introduction to the Literature of Latin America 3 Credits
Introduction to the literature of Latin America, from Columbus through the twenty-first century. Includes indigenous traditions and excerpts from major works in poetry, narrative, and theater.
Prerequisites: FLAS 300, FLAS 302, and FLAS 303.
Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
FLAS 323 Introduction to Hispanic Literature I 3 Credits
Exploration of Peninsular and Latin-American literature, from their earliest manifestations through the 18th century. Introduction to literary analysis and criticism.
Prerequisites: FLAS 304 or FLAS 305.
Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
FLAS 324 Introduction to Hispanic Literature II 3 Credits
Exploration of Peninsular and Latin-American literature, from early 19th century works through contemporary literature. Introduction to literary analysis and criticism.
Prerequisites: FLAS 304 or FLAS 305.
Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
FLAS 334 Introduction to Translation and Interpreting 3 Credits
Introduction to the professions, methodologies, and practice of translation and interpreting, combining theoretical explanations with practical implementation.
Prerequisites: FLAS 305 or FLAS 341.
Terms Typically Offered: Fall.
FLAS 334L Translation and Interpreting Laboratory 1 Credit
Practical implementation of professional ethics, methodologies, and practice of translation and interpreting.
Prerequisites: FLAS 438 or FLAS 439 (may be taken concurrently).
Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
Course may be taken 4 times for credit.
FLAS 341 Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics 3 Credits
Introduction to human language, with Spanish as the primary source for description and analysis. Explores phonology, word formation, language acquisition, and the intersection between language and society. Students will be equipped with the skills necessary to apply linguistic concepts to actual Spanish language data.
Prerequisites: FLAS 305.
Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
FLAS 395 Independent Study 1-3 Credits
Course may be taken multiple times up to maximum of 6 credit hours.
FLAS 396 Topics 1-3 Credits
Course may be taken multiple times up to maximum of 15 credit hours.
FLAS 421 Hispanic Poetry 3 Credits
Exploration of peninsular and/or Latin-American poetry, poets, and poetic forms. May include poetry written by Hispanic authors in the United States.
Prerequisites: FLAS 301, FLAS 302, and FLAS 303.
FLAS 422 Hispanic Prose 3 Credits
Exploration of peninsular and/or Latin-American prose, including the novel, short story, and/or essay. May include prose written by Hispanic authors in the United States.
Prerequisites: FLAS 300, FLAS 302, FLAS 303, and FLAS 341.
Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
FLAS 423 Hispanic Drama and Film 3 Credits
Exploration of dramatic texts and/or cinema from throughout the Spanish speaking world. May include plays and films by Hispanic authors in the United States.
Prerequisites: FLAS 300, FLAS 302, FLAS 303, and FLAS 341.
Terms Typically Offered: Spring.
FLAS 424 Advanced Hispanic Literature 3 Credits
Exploration of important Hispanic literary movements through a more in-depth study of genres, including prose, poetry, film, and drama. Specific topics vary by semester.
Prerequisites: FLAS 323 or FLAS 324.
Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
FLAS 431 Spanish for Medical and Social Services 3 Credits
Acquisition and refinement of superior linguistic and cross-cultural Spanish/English skills used in health care and social services.
Prerequisites: One of the following: FLAS 311, FLAS 312, FLAS 323, FLAS 324, or FLAS 341.
Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
FLAS 433 Spanish for the Professions 3 Credits
Exploration of linguistic and cultural aspects of professional practices in a Hispanic context. Developing skills necessary for professional communication.
Prerequisites: Must complete one of the following: FLAS 341, FLAS 323, FLAS 324, FLAS 311, or FLAS 312.
Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
FLAS 434 Introduction to Translation 3 Credits
Fundamentals of translation. Insights and practice in translation. Focus is on the Spanish-English language pair.
Prerequisites: FLAS 323 or FLAS 324 or FLAS 311 or FLAS 312 or FLAS 341.
FLAS 435 Introduction to Interpreting 3 Credits
Fundamentals of interpreting. Enhancement of linguistic and cross-cultural skills dealing with Spanish-English interpreting.
Prerequisites: FLAS 311 or FLAS 312 or FLAS 323 or FLAS 324 or FLAS 341.
FLAS 438 Methods and Specialized Practices in Translation 3 Credits
Development of methods for translation across the different specialized practices, including but not limited to: literary, scientific, legal, and medical translation. Focus is on the Spanish-English language pair.
Prerequisites: FLAS 334 and one of the following: FLAS 311, FLAS 312, FLAS 323, FLAS 324, or FLAS 341.
Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
FLAS 439 Methods and Specialized Practices in Interpreting 3 Credits
Development of methods for interpreting across the different specialized practices, including but not limited to: legal, medical, and community interpreting. Focus is on the Spanish-English language pair.
Prerequisites: FLAS 334 and one of the following: FLAS 311, FLAS 312, FLAS 323, FLAS 324, or FLAS 341.
Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
FLAS 441 Applied Phonetics and Phonology 3 Credits
Theory and practice of Spanish phonetics and phonology. Focused on dealing with pronunciation issues and recognition of variation in the Hispanic world. Includes recognition of speaker origin, as well as Spanish and English in contrast.
Prerequisites: FLAS 341.
Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
FLAS 442 Methodology of Teaching Foreign Languages 3 Credits
Examination of current trends, methods, and techniques in foreign language pedagogy.
Prerequisites: FLAS 300, FLAS 302, FLAS 303, FLAS 341, and FLAS 441.
Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
FLAS 444 Using Technology, Literature and Culture in the Spanish Language Classroom 3 Credits
Examination of current trends and techniques in the use of literature, technology, and culture for teaching Spanish.
Prerequisites: FLAS 311, FLAS 312, FLAS 321, FLAS 322, and FLAS 341.
Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
FLAS 446 Spanish Language Variation 3 Credits
Exploration of variation and change in the Spanish-speaking world. A special look at language contact phenomena, with particular focus on Spanish/English contact situations.
Prerequisites: One of the following: FLAS 305, FLAS 311, FLAS 312, FLAS 323, FLAS 324, FLAS 341, or FLAS 441.
Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
FLAS 495 Independent Study 1-3 Credits
Course may be taken multiple times up to maximum of 6 credit hours.
FLAS 496 Topics 1-3 Credits
Course may be taken multiple times up to maximum of 15 credit hours.
FLAS 498 Spanish Senior Practicum 3 Credits
Faculty-coordinated internship consisting of work-oriented instruction in Spanish involving classroom or laboratory experiences and/or research.
Prerequisites: Completion of six credit hours of FLAS at the 400-level.
FLAS 499 Internship 1-12 Credits
Course may be taken multiple times up to maximum of 15 credit hours.